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Antagonists on Sheffield Forum

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I was banned for responding to antagonistic posts and told to use the report button. So now I use the report button but nothing happens and the antagonistic posts remain.


So you think it's your mission to clean up the forum on your own. You need to examine your motives for reporting everybody or why you hone in on antagonistic threads.

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Think Mr Smith thinks he is always right and anyone who disagrees with that immediately becomes a target especially if he doesn't get them banned - lets just watch his reaction to this post:D


It would be a tad boring if everyone agreed all the time, and there are several members I disagree with quite frequently and yet we never resort to name calling or antagonising each other, we just discuss the issue until we run out of relevant things to say.


---------- Post added 24-02-2013 at 13:54 ----------


It's a matter of opinion whether a post is antagonistic, and as such two opinions are rarely the same. I think that the issue that you loosing sight of is that does it really matter what someone on the internet, who you'll never meet, thinks about you?


If it did I would have left a long time ago. :)

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Some of the "winding up posts" that appear to come from nowhere do add to a thread though sometimes. They start the topic off- or CAN start the topic off in new directions, its up to you how to deal with them. You can take the hump and/or report them or respond in god knows how many different ways to them and there are ways to incorporate the posts into the general argument- everybody adds to a thread and its rare that any comment is totally destructive if people dont allow it to be.


Some of the so-called trolls on here are among the best posters Ive ever come across and can really give a dying thread a fresh lease of life. Let `em get on with it, I say, they do good stuff!

Well said troll away and be happy with the diversity of sf.:love:
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Excuse me while I split my sides...


I have seen some of your previous post and you always seem to be the one amongst others that is always causing arguments on this site, and on reading some of your post, you start the arguments and if you don't agree you run to the mods or press the report button and then leave a message saying you have reported the person in question, how come you never get banned, im puzzled as to why because you personally insult people all the time, Mods please take note this fish keeps slipping through the net. Reported,

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I have seen some of your previous post and you always seem to be the one amongst others that is always causing arguments on this site, and on reading some of your post, you start the arguments and if you don't agree you run to the mods or press the report button and then leave a message saying you have reported the person in question, how come you never get banned, im puzzled as to why because you personally insult people all the time, Mods please take note this fish keeps slipping through the net. Reported,


And you come to that conclusion after 15 posts and a membership that backdates to less than a month.....amazing!!:rolleyes::thumbsup:

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I have seen some of your previous post and you always seem to be the one amongst others that is always causing arguments on this site, and on reading some of your post, you start the arguments and if you don't agree you run to the mods or press the report button and then leave a message saying you have reported the person in question, how come you never get banned, im puzzled as to why because you personally insult people all the time, Mods please take note this fish keeps slipping through the net. Reported,


Do you think its a good idea to report a well respected member who has been on here since 2005 when you only have 15 posts to your credit?

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