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Antagonists on Sheffield Forum

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I have seen some of your previous post and you always seem to be the one amongst others that is always causing arguments on this site, and on reading some of your post, you start the arguments and if you don't agree you run to the mods or press the report button and then leave a message saying you have reported the person in question, how come you never get banned, im puzzled as to why because you personally insult people all the time, Mods please take note this fish keeps slipping through the net. Reported,


If you think that Halibut never gets banned then you're wrong. We don't discuss bans with anybody other than the person involved, but that doesn't mean that they aren't issued.


Now quit stirring.

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I don't get this. If you can't respond to a post in a non-antagonistic manner use the report button instead?


Why not just ignore the post or go and make a brew or go for a walk or something? Come back and if you still feel strongly make a robust but fair reply?


Why let it get to you?


I haven't let it get to me, and I do tend to ignore them, when I do reply in kind my post disappears or I get banned, reporting as proven to be pointless. It’s a pity their aren’t more members like you, I think we manage to disagree more than we agree but it never gets nasty.

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oh for goodness sake grow some will you:rolleyes: its a forum not a world war:loopy: it would also be such a boring forum if everyone agreed nicely and took turns to answer posts "after you" no "after you you have been here so much longer ":D like the saying goes if you cant stand the heat stay out the kitchen:hihi:


When i post i'm too concerned with the topic to consider how long someone has been a member to care about whether their membership duration should take priority,in fact most of the time i havn't even noticed that particular detail.

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I have seen some of your previous post and you always seem to be the one amongst others that is always causing arguments on this site, and on reading some of your post, you start the arguments and if you don't agree you run to the mods or press the report button and then leave a message saying you have reported the person in question, how come you never get banned, im puzzled as to why because you personally insult people all the time, Mods please take note this fish keeps slipping through the net. Reported,


'Halibut' has a different way of writing ... so do I. There's nothing wrong in that. I feel you're the antagonist here. I don't think it's very difficult to work out who you are. Your writing style (or lack of it) gives you away ... plus what you've written on other forums about him (and me). Get help. Seriously.

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Do you think its a good idea to report a well respected member who has been on here since 2005 when you only have 15 posts to your credit?



Well respected member :huh:, halibut :huh: you sure your talking about the same person ???


The same person that adds nothing to any threads apart from sarcastic one liners showing his condescending tone :rolleyes:

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Oh right so your pulling forum bully rank, I have been reading previous post, so your telling me you have to be a forum Vet to have a say. WOW! I can't wait to serve a given time on the forum before I can have my say, yet again another forum bully rears it's ugly head. So let me get this right, I have to ask long time servers like you if I can post.:gag:


My advice (fwiw) is that don't take the interweb so seriously. If you do it'll only mess with yer head:help:

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If you think that Halibut never gets banned then you're wrong. We don't discuss bans with anybody other than the person involved, but that doesn't mean that they aren't issued.


Now quit stirring.


Your last statement Has just answered my question, I wasn't stirring but stating the obvious, but thanks for the unbiased statement and there is me thinking the Mods were neutral. I'll look for my suspension or never dates shortly.:thumbsup:

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