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Why do some people on Sheffield Forum add Social Networking Links?

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What I love most of all is tormenting SF mods on facebook!


Theres quite a few on there and I can give `em hell and they can do NOTHING to me! :Dheh


Have you not seen the Transit outside, with blacked out windows and the engine running? :o

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I find this discussion (if that's what it is) highly amusing. Jabberwocky will be chuckling his proverbials off on Facebook... <nips off to check>



yep he is :D


I don't quite understand why this bothers you so much. I personally don't advertise my FB page but have lots of friends who are also forummers who I wouldn't have if they hadn't linked their sig.


Jabs being a case in point.


edit: Oh we also stalk eachother on Twitter :hihi:

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I find this discussion (if that's what it is) highly amusing. Jabberwocky will be chuckling his proverbials off on Facebook... <nips off to check>



yep he is :D


I don't quite understand why this bothers you so much. I personally don't advertise my FB page but have lots of friends who are also forummers who I wouldn't have if they hadn't linked their sig.


Jabs being a case in point.


edit: Oh we also stalk eachother on Twitter :hihi:


I was going to stick my Twitter addy thing on my sig but only an utter saddo would do that!

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Why do they put there facbook profile link in there signatures, it like begging for friends if you ask me.. facebook is for your proper friends not internet friends. daft.


Times are changing, along with opinions and attitudes, me personally dont like facebook as I prefer to be private. I see many at work that live daily on face book and appear happy for as many contacts as possible even if they dont know them, thats fine and each to there own as long as some sort of control when kids using fbook etc etc too often you hear the horror stories

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I find this discussion (if that's what it is) highly amusing. Jabberwocky will be chuckling his proverbials off on Facebook... <nips off to check>



yep he is :D


I don't quite understand why this bothers you so much. I personally don't advertise my FB page but have lots of friends who are also forummers who I wouldn't have if they hadn't linked their sig.


Jabs being a case in point.


edit: Oh we also stalk eachother on Twitter :hihi:


whats the reason why you dont adverstise your facebook on here? its prob because you think its sad i imagine and looks a lil despo! HAHA

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whats the reason why you dont adverstise your facebook on here? its prob because you think its sad i imagine and looks a lil despo! HAHA


Not at all, probably because I don't want to be stalked by odd people. I have a small number of friends on FB and actually know them all in real life :D

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Not at all, probably because I don't want to be stalked by odd people. I have a small number of friends on FB and actually know them all in real life :D


exactly, you dont want to be stalked and value your privacy. thank you for validating what am sayin, half of these people with open profile that just add people for no reason will be gettin their profiles looked at by people they dont even know who could be proper fools or perves or w/e. I just think promotin urself on forum with open profiles is silly and shallow for the same reason u sayin.

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No it's not silly and shallow, it's personal preference.



Like I say if you read Jabs fb profile it is full of purile drivel stupid videos of himself and tales of his daily life of been beaten down by the superior sex, three kids and a dog (which hilariously he now thinks he is allergic to).


Jabs as an example has a facebook page full of entertainment. (not like some who seem to live their lovelife and breakups on a public forum).

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No it's not silly and shallow, it's personal preference.



Like I say if you read Jabs fb profile it is full of purile drivel stupid videos of himself and tales of his daily life of been beaten down by the superior sex, three kids and a dog (which hilariously he now thinks he is allergic to).


Jabs as an example has a facebook page full of entertainment. (not like some who seem to live their lovelife and breakups on a public forum).


yeah i kno what u sayin, but am talkin about the peepul who have serious profiles, his is probably all a joke on purpose but people hunting for friends and promotin themself seriously through their profile i think is silly sad and shallow-he obvious takes himself with a pinch of salt.

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I just think promotin urself on forum with open profiles is silly and shallow for the same reason u sayin.


I have an old work colleague on F/B with nearly 3,000 “friends” gained through mafia wars and poker rooms, do I want these checking out my status ………. No


Security settings …….. Friends only. :thumbsup:

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