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Labour MP jailed for expenses fraud

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I accept that. I'm not convinced that prison is a worthwhile process for anyone who commits an offence such as this.


If someone stole this amount of money and it caused a business to be bankrupted costing people their jobs then fair enough prison as a punishment would be fair as the theft had far reaching consequences. I'm just not convinced that a first offence, a guilty plea, and essentially no one else being adversely affected by the crime, that prison is the right idea.


No doubt I have opened myself up to dogs abuse but hey ho. Opinions and all that.


I cant beleive that you can say that. After all that has happened with MPS over the last 2 years. The public were outraged that they got away with fraudulently claiming hard earned tax payers money. Like all other criminals who get 'let off' it just sends the message that they 'got away with it'.Why should they be any different.

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I cant beleive that you can say that. After all that has happened with MPS over the last 2 years. The public were outraged that they got away with fraudulently claiming hard earned tax payers money. Like all other criminals who get 'let off' it just sends the message that they 'got away with it'.Why should they be any different.


I'm not saying it isn't a crime, and I certainly didn't say he should be let off. What I was saying was that was prison for a first time offender who had made a guilty plea really a good punishment?


£20k is not a large amount of money. It is to me and most people but in the scheme of things no one was hurt he didn't point a gun at people he made no threats to peoples safety. Exactly what good other than vengeance does locking him up do?

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I don't think prison was the right thing ,not when there have been highlighted cases of serial benefit cheats who have taken double the amount and more fraudulently and got away with probation.What he did was wrong i agree but he would be better off doing community service, it's going to cost more than £20k to keep him bang up.

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He deserves his sentence, but then so do many other MPs who appear to have got away with blatant fraud. I remain mystified as to why so few of the mendacious thieving rogues exposed in the expenses scandal ended up being prosecuted.


I think most actually operated within the rules. Some of what they claimed for was preposterous but was actually encouraged by the system in place at the time. This is why Speaker Martin had to go.

These were not criminal acts. They were just the result of a corrupt set of rules.

On the other hand the 4 MPs who are being prosecuted committed deliberate fraud by faking documents or false accounting.

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The new expenses regime is pretty unpopular with MPs and Cameron has threatened to scrap it unless they make it easier for MPs to claim their expenses....or easier for them to fiddle them ? :suspect:


No fun being an MP without a gravy train to ride.



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The new expenses regime is pretty unpopular with MPs and Cameron has threatened to scrap it unless they make it easier for MPs to claim their expenses....or easier for them to fiddle them ? :suspect:


No fun being an MP without a gravy train to ride.




Exactly. This guy has been used as a symbolic gesture that 'something is being done', but hundreds of others (including Cameron & Brown) have got away with it.


Fiddling MPs? 'We're all in this together'.

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I'm not saying it isn't a crime, and I certainly didn't say he should be let off. What I was saying was that was prison for a first time offender who had made a guilty plea really a good punishment?


£20k is not a large amount of money. It is to me and most people but in the scheme of things no one was hurt he didn't point a gun at people he made no threats to peoples safety. Exactly what good other than vengeance does locking him up do?


But it isnt about the amount of money. It is about the fact that it is OUR money. The Taxpayers and someone else has spent it, mismanaged it, fiddled it whatever you want to call it. We are 20 k short, whichever way it is dressed up.

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He'll probably be in a dispersal prison over the weekend, but I wouldn't be at all surprised to find he's in a (comparatively) luxurious D-Cat (open prison) before the end of next week.


One with his own room and his own key.


Given 18 months.

Will serve 9.

Probably be eligible for early release (on a tag) by March.


Absolutely right that he went to prison in my opinion, but I dont believe the relative comfort of where he's located will be much consideration to him. This is a man who at one time had the respect of his family, constituents and parliamentary colleagues-the loss of his liberty and status will be a major punishment for him.

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I don't think prison was the right thing ,not when there have been highlighted cases of serial benefit cheats who have taken double the amount and more fraudulently and got away with probation.What he did was wrong i agree but he would be better off doing community service, it's going to cost more than £20k to keep him bang up.

Wonder if the cheeky sod will try to claim it on his expenses as his 2nd home :hihi:

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Not necessarily. If someone is a repeat offender even if their crimes are not violent then a loss of liberty would be necessary.


It's more the fact that this is a first conviction for an offence and he entered a guilty plea. Not convinced that locking up an undoubtedly intelligent man with a history of working hard for people throughout his adult life is a particularly worthwhile punishment.


Surely putting his skills to work for free would be a better use of time.

But if he had not received a jail sentence,there would have been a public outcry that the old boys network was at it again and that he could easily afford any fine imposed.Whilst I agree with your sentiment,I think they have had to make an example of him..............although as already posted,he will be put in an "easy prison" and could be released within months.
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