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Were 1970's ladies nicer?

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Were 1970's ladies nicer...of course :)


well we certainly didnt go out in middle of winter with next to nothing on :o


I go down town now and dont feel out of place at all and I am latter end of 40 :roll:


I am still a nice lady even in the noughties ............it never left me :D

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The thing I liked about 60s and 70s ladies was that when you said you were going to pay for the meal or whatever they didnt get all wired up and say

"Why? I'm not broke. I can pay my share" (as If you were suggesting in the first place that they were broke)

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I was a teenager in the seventies. They weren't all that great. Sure, it was a simpler time and that simplicity is what I'm nostalgic about. Things were less expensive and in many cases, free. There were far fewer people sucking up oxygen and clogging the freeways.


What don't I miss? I sure don't miss most of the so called grown ups around me (even the ones in positions of authority) absolutely losing their minds and behaving like randy 17 year olds. Everyone's parents went crazy and got divorced, and the ones that didn't may as well have. There were few rules, and very little discipline. Just about anything you wanted to do was ok with them, and I mean anything. Drugs were everywhere, and oddly, way easier to get than alcohol. Get caught doing something naughty? Don't stress, not only will nothing happen, whoever was in charge would not only tell you how not to get caught, they'll ask you the next time you plan on doing xyz, please inform them as they'd like to join you. :gag::help:


We weren't allowed to be kids. Everything was too much, too fast and we ended up taking on adult responsibilities because the adults had checked out. I look back on it now and it's a wonder any of us survived. Ever see those bad science fiction movies where through some freak occurence, an older person and a younger one swap bodies? Well, it was like that. Except this was real. When I became a parent, I was never uber strict with my kids, but there were always, always rules and consequences. As a result, I think my kids were happier than I or their dad was. For sure their home life was more stable.


As for kids today, I positively CRINGE when I hear young girls cussing like lumberjacks or getting into physical altercations. They have no idea just how bad they sound or how trashy it makes them look. Girls girls what are you doing?!! Also, what is this current obsession with twittering your every thought and putting videos of yourself on Youtube??? Note to all Youtube narcissists, most of you are not that interesting! Knock it off! And for pete's sake, DON'T put up ANYTHING that shows you committing a crime! Though I will confess, one of my guilty pleasures is reading people's blogs and marvelling at what some of them think is ok to tell (and show) the world. Yikes.


Eh some more, why not? :D



Holy cow. Are those real feathers? I don't think any of those colors are found in nature. And I don't think the native americans used ostrich feathers. :hihi:

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Ladies in the U.K. in the '70's tended to be raucous, fat, overly made-up, bossy and out-of-condition. They are the same in the 21st. century-----only more so. This is one of the reasons many of us ex-pats escaped to more pleasant climes.


Females in China and Malaysia tend to be charming, slim, helpful and fairly quietly spoken. If anyone doesn 't believe me ask any ex-pat [ male or female ! ] who has moved out East !

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