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Because I am worth it ..

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Each morning I treat myself to my reflection in the mirror.



Its almost too gorgeous to look at but I force myself to look because I deserve to see real beauty at least once each day!


I just spat my wine all over the key board :hihi:

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Coffee - I never buy instant coffee. If I couldn't afford ground coffee, or the pods for my Senseo machine, then I'd just drink tea or water instead.


Buy a Coffeeduck and then you can use your favourite espresso loose coffee in your Senseo machine, which gives you fab coffee (according to my OH, who is a Lavazza slave) at less cost per cup :)

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Coffee - I never buy instant coffee. If I couldn't afford ground coffee, or the pods for my Senseo machine, then I'd just drink tea or water instead.


Strawberry jam - I can remember my mum buying a disgusting "mixed fruit jam", which was basically apple pulp with flavouring and red colouring in it. If I can't afford Tiptree Strawberry, then I'd do without or buy a different flavour.


Bread - I wouldn't buy cheap sliced bread, because I just wouldn't eat it. But I quite often stock up on reduced "nice" bread from the supermarket and freeze it.


Pears soap - I don't quite know what I'd do if I couldn't afford it, though! :hihi:


Jeez how extravagant can ya get ?


Morrisons do a nice cheap Bramble Jelly jam and its lovely, theres a hardware shop on the Cliffe where ya can get a big bar of carbolic for next to nowt and bread is bread isnt it :huh:

I didnt know you could get good bread and bad bread, just thought it was all bread

Mind you I am partial to the odd camp coffee, and I dont mean sipping out of a china cup.

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Jeez how extravagant can ya get ?


Morrisons do a nice cheap Bramble Jelly jam and its lovely, theres a hardware shop on the Cliffe where ya can get a big bar of carbolic for next to nowt and bread is bread isnt it :huh:

I didnt know you could get good bread and bad bread, just thought it was all bread

Mind you I am partial to the odd camp coffee, and I dont mean sipping out of a china cup.


Oh, I'd happily try a cheaper jam, as long as it wasn't strawberry! Cheap strawberry jam is an abomination.


Have you ever tried to eat some of the really cheap sliced bread? It's disgusting. :gag:

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Buy a Coffeeduck and then you can use your favourite espresso loose coffee in your Senseo machine, which gives you fab coffee (according to my OH, who is a Lavazza slave) at less cost per cup :)


I did think about getting one - but then decided it would be too much effort to clean it out every time I wanted a coffee. It's much easier just to dump the coffee pods in the bin.


Mind you, with the state of my finances at the moment, I might have to stop being such a bone-idle bugger!!:hihi:

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