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Will World War 3 Ever Happen ?

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I think the heat will be taken out of the oil equation (forgive the pun) by the discovery of a new way of generating power, eg, nuclear fusion.


However I suspect wars will still be fought over territory and resources. A lot of powerful people want yet more power and are ruthless enough and clever enough to acheive it. It would not be in their interest to resort to nuclear warfare. I have never subscribed to the 'New world order' theory, but I'm beginning to think those that do may have a point.


I think the next battle field will be technological. A world wide computer melt down would be devastating, and catapult most of us back to the stone age. It would make us totally dependent on those who control them.

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well so long as the banks computers get hit then i don't really care


mankind has survived fully well up till now without computers, so am sure we will again


it was not that long ago since computers were not even invented anyway


Computers control everything now, from power stations to the flow and delivery of water.


All the basic necessities of survival now involve computers, in fact the only way this planet can support its population of 6 billion, is to use computer technology.


Communications would cease, money transfer and trade wouldn't exist, cash would be worthless, food processing and delivery would shut down, water pumping and filtration wouldn't happen, electricity would not be generated, manufacturing would cease, nuclear power stations would go into uncontrollable meltdown, mob rule and anarchy would reign...


Starting to get the picture? It would take years to regain control and organise

a survival plan, by which time most of us will be dead.

- Unless you're one of the elite that is, tucked up safe in your nuclear bunker with several years of supplies. Just waiting to emerge once the population has been thinned out for you, and are ready to do your bidding...

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well it would toughen us up again


people would be creative and invent things, people would find their own ways of surviving


they would grow their own food again, make their own clothes and get back to basics how we all used to live


in world war times that is exactly how we did live, some people were lucky to have an inside toilet back then, let alone an electrical device, as only the very rich could afford


shops would still be open, but on a smaller scale, only selling what is required like what the Victorians and Edwardians used to do, the traditional shop will be born again


they will have to write off all global debts and the banks will probably run out of business, but that is never a bad thing, all money we own starts from a bank, and ultimately ends up in a bank, so they own us, not the governments

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