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Lord totally Labour Prescott has really surpassed..

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Still favourable to the tory scum who consider themselves better than anyone else and continue relentlessly to bully everyone they perceive to be below them.


I'm with you on that. :clap::clap: As I have just pointed out to Tory twit in other post, be careful who step on on way up - you might meet them on way down:hihi::hihi:


"Tory scum" and "Tory twits" eh? Better than ill mannered name calling lefties.

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The difference between ' Lefties ' and ' Righties ' having their grubby little fingers in the till, is that, generally speaking, the political Right admit that most people are a bit bent .......or can soon be bribed to be a bit bent !


The Left, however, try to portray themselves as above all this and, indeed, try to persuade us that human nature can be fairly easily controlled by social pressure ----the old Soviet Union ? Eastern Europe pre-1990 ? Cuba ? North Korea ? China ?..........please, don 't choke by laughing too hard !


One is called ' being realistic '.........the other is called either, ' living in Cloud Cuckoo Land ' or ' Hypocracy '

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The difference between ' Lefties ' and ' Righties ' having their grubby little fingers in the till, is that, generally speaking, the political Right admit that most people are a bit bent .......or can soon be bribed to be a bit bent !


The Left, however, try to portray themselves as above all this and, indeed, try to persuade us that human nature can be fairly easily controlled by social pressure ----the old Soviet Union ? Eastern Europe pre-1990 ? Cuba ? North Korea ? China ?..........please, don 't choke by laughing too hard !


One is called ' being realistic '.........the other is called either, ' living in Cloud Cuckoo Land ' or ' Hypocracy '


If the Soviet Union and North Korea are accurate rpresentations of people on the left, that would make Nazi germany and Emporer Huirohoto's Japan accurate represntations of people on the right. Fortuanately, miost people are more sophisticated in their political outlook than to make such foolish general;isations as contained in your post by the time they have started secondary school.

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If the Soviet Union and North Korea are accurate rpresentations of people on the left, that would make Nazi germany and Emporer Huirohoto's Japan accurate represntations of people on the right. Fortuanately, miost people are more sophisticated in their political outlook than to make such foolish general;isations as contained in your post by the time they have started secondary school.


Quite so,

Fareast seems to suffer the from the same thought processes as KellyB who started this thread, believing that everyone with a certain political leaning goes into one box - the boxes being Left, idle, scrounging, lying hypocrites and Right, hard working, honest and upright salt of the earth.


Everyone with their grubby fingers in the till are equally as bad as each other and equally guilty of thieving & lying, whatever their political persuasions.


Not much realistic about their views - more the Cloud Cuckoo Land which Fareast himself describes.

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"Tory scum" and "Tory twits" eh? Better than ill mannered name calling lefties.


But its alright for OP to call so-called lefties scroungers. Read othe topic by same author, I have worked all my life since I left school in 1966 so I resent being called a scrounger

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I know exactly what socialism is and that's the problem for you.... a prolific socialist writer called George Orwell wrote a book called "Animal Farm" and its well worth reading for you all so called socialists or parasites in my book.


It explains the philosophy of the communism you all seem to want and its downfall.... it could best decribe the last socialist Labour government. Its free on-line here: http://www.george-orwell.org/Animal_Farm/0.html



Nope - it's a parody of the Stalinist regime in the USSR. Orwell clearly identifies with the pre-Napoleon phase after the revolution, much as he identifies with the anarchists and republicans in the Spanish Civil War in "Homage to Catalonia" and sees how they were betrayed by Stalinists.

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