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Do women mostly use Internet dating sites for attention?

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Greetings ye old sheffielders, maybe it's wrong forum but i could do some advice regarding internet dating and how women use these things, one minute they're keen the next nothing.:huh:


I've been in contact with this women I really liked on a dating website, we exchanged many IM's and therefore presumed she was definitely interested, I gave her a bit of space she wanted before we agreed to meet and I now know she has read my last message from over a week ago but not responded, as the message stated it had been read and deleted, so should I follow it up or just presume she's like many other women who just love use dating websites because they love all the attention?



Its because high quality women get 50-100 emails a day and even the below average ones around 10-20 emails a day, theres a lot of competition for her affections mate.


The issue is either :


a) shes been busy talking to other guys or just with life in general so she will prob get round to responding in time.

b) shes testing to see if you are a needy wuss boy.

c) shes had second thoughts, something youve said has turned her off, shes met someone else or for a myriad of justifiable reasons.


leave it for a few days, when she responds dont reply immediately, and try not to be too excited about it, for all she knows you could be seeing other girls or have been extremely busy.


if she doesnt respond dont chase, youve never met this chick, she could have the personality of a peanut, shes not worth your time and energy.




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I use one and I have to say i ignore most people, or they do something to put me off, whether that is being a bit to desperate or pushy, or seem like they are after one thing. What did your last message say?


my last message said


afternoon,, howare you ..................:loopy:


as if I am going to reply to that :roll:

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my last message said


afternoon,, howare you ..................:loopy:


as if I am going to reply to that :roll:


Yeah people have to say something remotely interesting, can't cope with a string of, what you up to today, what you doing at the weekend, you oks. YAWN



Sometimes I do get put off if they are really good looking, can't cope with that. In fact there are millions of reasons I don't bother replying.

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Yeah people have to say something remotely interesting, can't cope with a string of, what you up to today, what you doing at the weekend, you oks. YAWN



Sometimes I do get put off if they are really good looking, can't cope with that. In fact there are millions of reasons I don't bother replying.


thats quite a lot what some say.........ello.............nice smile..............wanna chat.............you look nice............:hihi:


come on guys be a bit more expressive if you want to get a woman :)


also the messages full of spelling mistakes and bad grammer puts me off,


ok suppose we going to get slated for being to fussy now...:|

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