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Man Arrested For Taking Photos In The Street.

Guest sibon

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Or the type of person when a Policeman say jump you say how high officer


Just because they walk around in a uniform and have authority doesn't give them the right to wing it and make the rules up as they go along


Sigh..... Ok dvp, I am a sad case that would rather just give my details than spend my time in custody. You are a rebell and I look up to you, secretley wishing that I am you.:love:

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Oh well i guess you would be happy for a policeman just to randomly stop you in the street tomorrow and ask for your details for no other reason than because they feel like it and then threaten you with arrest if you dont and then just lets say you say no and dont give your details, they start making things up to justify your arrest. The words heading down a slippery slope spring to mind.

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Oh well i guess you would be happy for a policeman just to randomly stop you in the street tomorrow and ask for your details for no other reason than because they feel like it and then threaten you with arrest if you dont and then just lets say you say no and dont give your details, they start making things up to justify your arrest. The words heading down a slippery slope spring to mind.


I would probably just call the A team if I could find them that is! Watched the dvd last night. Have you seen it yet? made me giggle.

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I would like you to be in same position as I was and tell them no you wont delete the photo or stop taking photo. Specialy the way everytime you try and explain the reason of taking it they come back and say "your not listening to what Im saying" in a condersending way and Im the police what I say goes. Which basically means carry on and you will be arrested, I would love to see if your still all high and mighty in that position:hihi:


You're quite right. As much as I'd like to think I would be able to say no to deleting an image etc, I suspect when it comes to it I might end up taking the quiet way out of the confrontation.


Closest I've come was a couple of coppers asking to see the pics I had taken. It sounded at the time as a friendly chat with someone that was interested rather than suspicious though. So far I've not had to find out if I would back down or not!

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I would like you to be in same position as I was and tell them no you wont delete the photo or stop taking photo. Specialy the way everytime you try and explain the reason of taking it they come back and say "your not listening to what Im saying" in a condersending way and Im the police what I say goes. Which basically means carry on and you will be arrested, I would love to see if your still all high and mighty in that position:hihi:


Assuming I had nothing urgent to get on with I'd be happy to make that point, and to make the complaint to the IPPC and the press.

Fortunately I've not heard about behaviour like this from SYP.

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On the point that was made earlier about harassment/intimidation there is a well known snapper in the states that thrusts his camera + flash right into people's faces in the street.


I just tried to find a youtube clip of him to share but failed :( It's out there somewhere.


That would be more of a case for intimidation/harassment, IMO he takes his right to take pictures in public too far.

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Apologies for the length of this video, you might want to get a cuppa before you watch it.


This guy was taking photos in the street in Lancashire.


The subsequent actions of the police are interesting to say the least.


Are our civil liberties being eroded by giving the police these powers? Or are they necessary for our protection?


if you think thats bad, watch this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfQrDK9YHas

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Knowing your rights is a crime? Means that you must be up to something? If you've nothing to hide you've no need to know your rights?


Please explain.

No, far from it. My sole point was that he was very sure of the law, which i found odd. Someone else has already said it's quite common to publish the law in photography magazines so i will concede to other expertise. I'm all in support of the man, it isn't illegal to take photos.

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