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Coincidence the word Zion is in the 2012 Olympic logo?

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I was thinking zoiz till i read this and felt foolish :huh:
Hey, something we agree on ... I think zoiz as well, but don't feel foolish at all, I feel justified now! :)


What was that other logo a while ago that looked iffy and rude? Wasn't that for the Olympics as well? (Thanks alchresearch, it's the same one! oops :blush:) They seem to be in EPIC FAIL mode with this stuff.

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Zion symbolizes a longing by wandering peoples for a safe homeland. [Wiki]

Altering the olympic logo to read Zion is probably done by the same people who go around interior design shelves changing wooden letters from Love to Vole.

I don't think we have too much to worry about.

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