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Straw criticised for abuse comments !

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like the Straws of the world, saying it's a Muslim or Asian problem is as unhelpful as simply saying 'no it's not' and branding everyone a racist.


it is definitely not an 'Asian' problem (to the best of my knowledge, there are no roaming gangs of child rapists from the Hindu or Sikh communities). Nor is it a 'Muslim' problem, per se. Most of those convicted so far appear to be descendants of immigrants from Mirpur, a rural area of Pakistan, who in many ways are probably the most insular of all of the immigrant communities to settle in the UK in the post-war era. I believe it is the ideology of cultural separatism (a central idea of the pernicious doctrine of 'multiculturalism') which has a lot to answer for here.

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This is a case where 'culture' and 'religion' are inextricably linked. For example, if the religion propagates misogynistic and homophobic values, it is no wonder that these are reflected in cultural practices. Similarly, if the religion is fundamentally intolerant towards other religious doctrines, it is no wonder that this manifests itself in a culture of intolerance.


not sure that's true. in some African cultures the women held posts of high esteem and were considered spirit guides etc. this pretty much died out and reversed with the coming of Christianity and Islam. in almost every culture that has taken part in conquest when men off on long tours of duty homosexuality was rife and in many seen as normal and even necessary with many sects doing it. then religions came and stopped that and turned it on its head. there also many religious practices that simply don't fit into cultures so they're killed of or changed beyond recognition. culture and religion are usually more at odds than the other way round.

both, i think, are used as and when, it suits.

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Table 5.4b (page 99) Percentage breakdown of those arrested for notifiable offences, by self-defined ethnicity, offence group and police force area, 2007/8


This table shows that, in the latest year for which we have data, Lancashire police arrested 627 people for sexual offences. 0.3% of these were Pakistanis.


That’s two people.



85.5% were white British.


In Lancashire, there are 1,296,900 white Brits and 45,000 Pakistanis.



This means that 4.163 per 10,000 white Brits were arrested for a sex crime, compared to 0.44 Pakistanis.



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This is a case where 'culture' and 'religion' are inextricably linked. For example, if the religion propagates misogynistic and homophobic values, it is no wonder that these are reflected in cultural practices. Similarly, if the religion is fundamentally intolerant towards other religious doctrines, it is no wonder that this manifests itself in a culture of intolerance.


But the position of women is equally lamentable in countries such as Vietnam (predominantly Buddhist and Taoist), Papua New Guinea (mainly Christian and animist), Haiti (mainly Christian), Nepal (mainly Hindu) and South Africa (mainly Christian). This shouldn't detract from the poor position of women in Pakistan and the Middle East but I think you're on a hiding to nothing if you're going to try and paint female oppression as a particularly Islamic problem.

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If there is a cultural reason for them behaving this was then the only one I can think of is positive-the vulnerable girls who represent easy meat to them they couldn't find within their own community.

And that is the crux of the matter, British culture is not entwined with Christianity whereas the cultures of the Pakistani/Asian communities are entwined with Islam which has very strong/strict views on the conduct of women/girls.

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Top story this morning (at time of posting) on BBC News website, heard it also on BBC Radio 4 this morning.

Police have confirmed an inquiry into child sexual exploitation in Rochdale. Nine men, all "Asian", arrested and charged with a range of offences such as sex with a child aged 13-16, paying a child for sexual services, and child prostitution.


So these gangs, in Rotherham, in Derby, in Bradford, in Rochdale etc etc are all isolated from each other, but they do have things in common. It's good that the government has launched an inquiry and that authorities are now able to talk about it and start to tackle the problem.


BBC being PC as always though, refusing to quote Jack Straw correctly. It said "it comes just days after......Jack Straw said white girls were easy targets". Get it right BBC, he said "easy meat".


I suppose this will be another story the forum left wing guard will try to make off limits.

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Straw was criticised by Labour MP Keith Vaz for suggesting the problem was a cultural one:




The link on the BBC news website with the latest story on has the headline

"Nine arrested in teenager sex exploitation inquiry"

The story then goes on to say that those arrested are of 'Asian' origin.




Well is this issue a cultural one, or is it just coincidental and is it not PC to state that the perpetrators are Asian ? My concerns are that people come under fire for mentioning the perpetrators ethnicity, and argue it simply because we know that other people regardless of their ethnicity also commit these sort of crimes !

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Straw was criticised by Labour MP Keith Vaz for suggesting the problem was a cultural one:




The link on the BBC news website with the latest story on has the headline

"Nine arrested in teenager sex exploitation inquiry"

The story then goes on to say that those arrested are of 'Asian' origin.




Well is this issue a cultural one, or is it just coincidental and is it not PC to state that the perpetrators are Asian ? My concerns are that people come under fire for mentioning the perpetrators ethnicity, and argue it simply because we know that other people regardless of their ethnicity also commit these sort of crimes !

It is well known what the mainstream muslim community think of the way our women especially the youger ones dress and conduct themselves, even in Australia were a leading Muslim cleric branded the white women as 'Whores'.

Muslim girls and young women are rarely allowed to mix with the young none muslim community, you rarely see them on girlie nights out as it is against the teachings of their religion/culture.

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No, he didn't, please stop posting silly made-up lies about muslims.


Spindrift is correct and Bassman you are an abhorent liar. He didn't call them whores, he called them 'uncovered meat', whilst another top Muslim of Oz has called Jews pigs, saying they will go to hell, and encouraged Muslim youth to become Martyrs.

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