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Straw criticised for abuse comments !

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why what kind of answer were you expecting? One that agrees with your imagination?
I just wante to know why you find it acceptable for Muslim terrorists to slaughter Muslim civillians; men women and children on a daily basis.
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I just wante to know why you find it acceptable for Muslim terrorists to slaughter Muslim civillians; men women and children on a daily basis.


I don't and that is a lie in any case you seem to blaming Muslims for the killing of all civilians. The foreign forces are killing civilians as well I don't see you condeming it? Also the occupation is causing the violence.

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I don't and that is a lie in any case you seem to blaming Muslims for the killing of all civilians. The foreign forces are killing civilians as well I don't see you condeming it? Also the occupation is causing the violence.

That is a lie, I don't blame the muslims for all civillian deaths I said that the muslims target muslim men women and children civillians and a daily basis.

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listen bruv the english have assimilated no where they have gone but expect assimilation from everyone else. Its the coloniol we are superior attitude raising its ugly head again. The English should actually start trying to learn from other cultures instead of assuming they are better all the time. Some English have started doing this and respect to them but many more still remain ignorant.


you have a point, b, to a point.(strange sentence that) but it only really applies to when the English ventured/venture abroad. like demanding English breakfast when you're in Cuba.

now, i don't think my culture is superior to English, nor do i think the other way round. I'd even say my culture is not my father's. a fifteen year old in Zimbabwe has more in common with a fifteen year old here than both have with their parents. been this way for eons.

my children were born here. they'll be raised here. there's no real way to raise them African without moving them home. if i tried anything but they'd grow up confused as hell.

because i still feel very much African my seeds will have that too, but i can't expect them to be African when they're here.

if i had moved to Iceland they would have to be raised, for the most part, Icelandic.

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Why was it that the English colonised all these places? how come someone else didn't do it?


'colonization' or conquest is not an English invention. it's as old as time. in the time England was doing it the dutch, the Spanish, Germany, Portugal were doing it too. South Africa even managed to colonize Namibia for a while.

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It seems that the media and the police have really decided to go for it now, re muslim paedos... Problem is, now we are allowed to have all this out in the open, it looks as though they have issues on a larger scale than the rest of us, rather than all the issues coming out within a few months of each other...



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Once again rubbish, language is not culture.


while the two are not synonyms you have to admit they're pretty much inseparable. the language is informed by the culture and the other way round in an endless feedback loop. that is why even in places that have taken up another language that language is tweaked to suit the culture. all sorts of Spanish, french, English, German etc across the world in many cultures. eg, we don't have words for cousin, and didn't have any for aunt or uncle neither. it was all brother, sister, mom or dad. with the coming of the English we had to adapt. so came phrases like cousin-brother, cousin-sister etc in English and things like baba munini in shona which literally means little father. that would be your dad's younger brother, your uncle.


this is why people insist the language must be learned, because more than just communication, it informs you of a people's culture.

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It seems that the media and the police have really decided to go for it now, re muslim paedos... Problem is, now we are allowed to have all this out in the open, it looks as though they have issues on a larger scale than the rest of us, rather than all the issues coming out within a few months of each other...




you might have a point. the fear and political PC might have meant that most thing were not reported. now that Pandora has opened her box it seems the situation is worse than i think it actually is. everything 'coming out' in such a short space of time creates the feeling Islam is 'under siege' which is understandable in many ways.

if it had all been reported openly i think people would have been more balanced by now. eg, the natural defense now is to say "the catholic church near enough invented pedophilia", which is not an unreasonable thing to say, but not in the defense of another pedophile. the strategy failed.

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Nonsense! Most of the uneducated Muslims don't have a clue its the educated Muslims that take a stand for their religion on an intellectual level. Its no surprise most of the Politicaly active Muslim groups started in the South East of England its because Muslims in London and the South East tend to be better educated and aware. Yes some of the Muslim youth in the UK get wound up but that happens with all youth i.e students, white working class youth in the edl and so on. It does have to do with lnguage as all younger Asians speak English whereas no English youth speak any Asian languages. If this country claims to be truly multi cultural then how can only one language be dominent?


I know a good many Pakistani British people who don't use English as their primary language... This has always been the case.


If your asking why English people who have no historical foreign ties aren't speaking foreign languages they haven't been taught, then...

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The English did not go to America Canada and Australia to integrate and neither did other Europeans. The English imposed their language culture and religion on those countries. So it seems a bit hypocritical for the English to be saying people who come to England must integrate. Especially when the English are currently rolling tanks down the streets of other countries helping to prop up puppet regimes in other nations. Its the new way of coloniolism, imposing puppet governments on the peaoples of other nations who will slavishly serve the interests of the master that put them in power.


I can see that talking to you is really trying to educate pork, but I can see that you have at best a loose grasp of English/European history... It may be an idea for you to brush up on this if you are intent on trolling forums?


Europe went to America, and populated what was mostly empty plains... They built up a society in areas where previously there had been very little... This was obviously because the original inhabitants had been nomadic, and so hadn't built cities and the like, as that was not their way of life - and in Europeans doing so, that way of life was damaged forever...


Here endeth the lesson on that point - However, Bounce, you seem to misunderstand how the UK is populated... It was already a built up country, with towns and cities before people came over here from Asia - In fact, they were attracted to the UK for the promise of work and the hope of a better life and education for any offspring... No point going on about English youth learning Asian languages (unless you mean mandarin, in which case you may have a point!) as most are as useful in the UK as Aramaic or Latin! Old languages from countries kids here wouldn't need to go to, as the people from those countries are more likely to want to come here, for the same reasons they did generations before...


If you are not a troll, I suggest you at first think of how you are portraying yourself - You may well be a white kid trying to stir up racism for the pakistani communities, or you may be a asian kid doing the same - But it's not fair on people who came here to carve a new life to have you drag on their coat tails and hold them back... Whilst white people see asians in a negative way, it's only ever from froth that the likes of you spout and it's spiteful and in ways both direct and indirect, it damages people...

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