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Straw criticised for abuse comments !

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The problem since the staged attacks of 9/11 is that your average racist now considers themselves an expert on Islam and uses Islamophobia as their chosen way of being racist. The problem is a large proportion of these people have never read a book in their lives but have learnt to use the net and copt and paste from Islamophobic web sites.
One word describe the mentality well, gullible. Only those who seek to create trouble for their own political gain use these simple souls as foot-soldiers to promote their hate.


Unfortunately however many of the extremist Muslims don't do the majority Muslims any favours by giving the racists opportunity to point to idiotic events such as protesting at the homecoming parade and poppy burning debacles.

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Bad analogy. These men went looking for vulnerable girls. They had it down to a fine art. Pick-up and shag within 20 minutes in one case. And that was someone who had offended previously and was banned from being alone with any girl under 16. He knew what he was doing and he got sentenced to 11 years.


Clifton Park was a sex-fest of Asian men getting white girls to shag them or suck them off. I hope things have got better.


I would say the Muslim women walking down the street in a head scarf or face veil minding her own business who gets spat at, verbally abused or assaulted is an innocent victim.


The children in the care of pedophile priests are innocent victims.


These young teenage girls should be safely at home instead they are out late at night drinking taking drugs getting in cars with older men and being the gfs of these men. The parents are taking no responsibility for what their kids are getting up to. When abuse takes place its open season on Asians and Muslims in general.


You seem to think its okay to blame all Asians and Muslims and stereotype Asian Muslim males as sex offenders but don't think parents of white girls should take any respnsibility for their daughters behaviour.


I'll give you another analogy, If a teenager was walking along the M1 every night for fun while drunk and on drugs and the parents couldn't care less how long before he gets hit by a car?

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I think they were able to commit those henious acts and then go to court and blame their victims because of the way their culture views women. White women who show flesh and flirt are there to be plucked by their definition.


unfair thing to say. they were the animals. culture, seeing as they were British born, has nothing to do with it. not much, anyway. besides that, they are less than point zero one or whatever percent of the population with 'their' culture so not much of a sample.

the same 'blame the victim' defense is used in near enough every rape case. most by people not Pakistani.

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I would say the Muslim women walking down the street in a head scarf or face veil minding her own business who gets spat at, verbally abused or assaulted is an innocent victim.


The children in the care of pedophile priests are innocent victims.


These young teenage girls should be safely at home instead they are out late at night drinking taking drugs getting in cars with older men and being the gfs of these men. The parents are taking no responsibility for what their kids are getting up to. When abuse takes place its open season on Asians and Muslims in general.


You seem to think its okay to blame all Asians and Muslims and stereotype Asian Muslim males as sex offenders but don't think parents of girls should take any respnsibility for their kids behaviour.


I'll give you another analogy, If a teenager was walking along train tracks every day for fun and the parents couldn't care less how long before he gets hit by a train?


The train in your analogy is a male who makes a concious decision to abuse his chosen victim. Stop defending the indefensible. Pakistani men are targeting vulnerable girls. The eveidence is all over the place. Let's look at how we can change male perceptions of women as objects for their gratification.

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unfair thing to say. they were the animals. culture, seeing as they were British born, has nothing to do with it. not much, anyway. besides that, they are less than point zero one or whatever percent of the population with 'their' culture so not much of a sample.

the same 'blame the victim' defense is used in near enough every rape case. most by people not Pakistani.


Culture nothing to do with it? British born? Tell me where are all the Pakistani girls driving their souped-up cars trying to pick up men?

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I think they were able to commit those henious acts and then go to court and blame their victims because of the way their culture views women. White women who show flesh and flirt are there to be plucked by their definition.
I disagree with your reasoning in that they went to court to blame the victims and point to cultural differences, they went to court and tried to save their sorry asses. They all were either in jobs such as takeaway or restaurant trade or similar themselves or friends of those who were. Have you never seen groups of youths hanging around takeaways or restaurants, usually of chavy nature? Is it any surprise as the other poster asks why didn't their parents know what their kids were up to? Is it any surprise that Pakistanis of other trades are not implicated in this sort of trade but mostly those linked to working late nights and dealing with class of people who depend on takeaway food and hang about street corners till after midnight.....and indeed find it impressive when someone in a bmw offers them a ride? Need I spell it out to you how situations can be expected to develop given the opportunity and if they are that way inclined then for them to take advantage?


Wrong as it may be it is not a Muslim or a Pakistani thing to do but I contend circumstance presenting easy access to sex and males looking for easy sex taking advantage, they can therefore pay for their crimes and regret at leisure. That is not a reflection on ordinary people be they Muslim or Christian Pakistani or whatever, people don't commit crime because of any cultural trait but when circumstance allow and they think they can get away with it.

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I would say the Muslim women walking down the street in a head scarf or face veil minding her own business who gets spat at, verbally abused or assaulted is an innocent victim.


A victim of her male dominated culture.


The children in the care of pedophile priests are innocent victims.


Could you argue that they are anything else?


These young teenage girls should be safely at home instead they are out late at night drinking taking drugs getting in cars with older men and being the gfs of these men. The parents are taking no responsibility for what their kids are getting up to. When abuse takes place its open season on Asians and Muslims in general.


They should indeed be at home but if they choose to expose themselves to risk, it still needs some sick saddo to use and abuse them. Unfortunately there are men waiting to get access to vulnerable girls.


You seem to think its okay to blame all Asians and Muslims and stereotype Asian Muslim males as sex offenders but don't think parents of white girls should take any respnsibility for their daughters behaviour.


So these girls deserve everyhing they get because their parents are incompetent?


I'll give you another analogy, If a teenager was walking along the M1 every night for fun while drunk and on drugs and the parents couldn't care less how long before he gets hit by a car?


Are you really so blind to what some Pakistani men are doing? I have come across drunken teens in my life. I could have had them and no-one would have been any the wiser. My morals stopped me from even considering it. What indefensible planet are you on?

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Culture nothing to do with it? British born? Tell me where are all the Pakistani girls driving their souped-up cars trying to pick up men?


i don't know any girls driving around to pick up men.. is that you saying culture has everything to do with it? is that your way of saying they are not British born or that their being British born has no bearing on the issue?

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I disagree with your reasoning in that they went to court to blame the victims and point to cultural differences, they went to court and tried to save their sorry asses. They all were either in jobs such as takeaway or restaurant trade or similar themselves or friends of those who were. Have you never seen groups of youths hanging around takeaways or restaurants, usually of chavy nature? Is it any surprise as the other poster asks why didn't their parents know what their kids were up to? Is it any surprise that Pakistanis of other trades are not implicated in this sort of trade but mostly those linked to working late nights and dealing with class of people who depend on takeaway food and hang about street corners till after midnight.....and indeed find it impressive when someone in a bmw offers them a ride? Need I spell it out to you how situations can be expected to develop given the opportunity and if they are that way inclined then for them to take advantage?


Wrong as it may be it is not a Muslim or a Pakistani thing to do but I contend circumstance presenting easy access to sex and males looking for easy sex taking advantage, they can therefore pay for their crimes and regret at leisure. That is not a reflection on ordinary people be they Muslim or Christian Pakistani or whatever, people don't commit crime because of any cultural trait but when circumstance allow and they think they can get away with it.


very well put.

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i don't know any girls driving around to pick up men.. is that you saying culture has everything to do with it? is that your way of saying they are not British born or that their being British born has no bearing on the issue?

Sounds very much like this chap is saying that normal women are cruising the streets trying ti pick up men and somehow Pakistani women in not doing the same are somehow ever so suppressed:hihi:

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