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Straw criticised for abuse comments !

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I disagree with your reasoning in that they went to court to blame the victims and point to cultural differences, they went to court and tried to save their sorry asses. They all were either in jobs such as takeaway or restaurant trade or similar themselves or friends of those who were. Have you never seen groups of youths hanging around takeaways or restaurants, usually of chavy nature? Is it any surprise as the other poster asks why didn't their parents know what their kids were up to? Is it any surprise that Pakistanis of other trades are not implicated in this sort of trade but mostly those linked to working late nights and dealing with class of people who depend on takeaway food and hang about street corners till after midnight.....and indeed find it impressive when someone in a bmw offers them a ride? Need I spell it out to you how situations can be expected to develop given the opportunity and if they are that way inclined then for them to take advantage?


Wrong as it may be it is not a Muslim or a Pakistani thing to do but I contend circumstance presenting easy access to sex and males looking for easy sex taking advantage, they can therefore pay for their crimes and regret at leisure. That is not a reflection on ordinary people be they Muslim or Christian Pakistani or whatever, people don't commit crime because of any cultural trait but when circumstance allow and they think they can get away with it.


You still want to blame the victims. Your blinkered vision is endemic of why this kind of abuse can happen in any street anywhere.

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You still want to blame the victims. Your blinkered vision is endemic of why this kind of abuse can happen in any street anywhere.
What?:huh: I haven't blamed the victim sir although I can see you would wish to pigeon hole me as having done so. I have pointed out to you how in reality a set of circumstances seem to have lead to such crimes being committed. To say these girls were hanging about with older boys whom they thought they were in a relationship with is not blaming the victim but recognising the cultural standing of the males and the females involved. The men have committed a crime and can therefor pay for it but why should you then blame a whole community as being predisposed to commit the same crime?

I am sorry I seem to have wasted some of my time on explaining the situation to you, of course you already have all the answers, they did it because they were Pakistani Muslims.:roll:.

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perhaps the 'better' thing to say would be that there are wider issues that can not be ignored?


Wider issues about Pakistani men abusing girls from the age of 12 to 16 in Rotherham and serving prison sentences for several years because of their 'tastes'.

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Wider issues about Pakistani men abusing girls from the age of 12 to 16 in Rotherham and serving prison sentences for several years because of their 'tastes'.


:hihi::hihi: this my go round in circles. just as the issue that race played in this whole sorry business is 'tricky' to discuss, the parts played by parents, the girls, the wider community etc shouldn't be ignored.

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:hihi::hihi: this my go round in circles. just as the issue that race played in this whole sorry business is 'tricky' to discuss, the parts played by parents, the girls, the wider community etc shouldn't be ignored.
:hihi:it's the old 'aah but....' argument, never makes any sense;)
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One word describe the mentality well, gullible. Only those who seek to create trouble for their own political gain use these simple souls as foot-soldiers to promote their hate.


Unfortunately however many of the extremist Muslims don't do the majority Muslims any favours by giving the racists opportunity to point to idiotic events such as protesting at the homecoming parade and poppy burning debacles.


poppy burning was a stupid stunt but I think the intention of the Luton Soldier potest was to protest against war crimes comitted by soldiers in Iraq but the way they went about it shouting abuse at the soldiers caused offence. However, when soldiers returned to America from the Vietnam war white American protesters pelted eggs at them shouted abuse and tried to physically attack them. There's a Christian group in America that celebrates at the funerals of dead American soldiers.


Do you think all the hu ha about the Luton protest was more to do with the fact that it was Asian Muslim men protesting?

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The train in your analogy is a male who makes a concious decision to abuse his chosen victim. Stop defending the indefensible. Pakistani men are targeting vulnerable girls. The eveidence is all over the place. Let's look at how we can change male perceptions of women as objects for their gratification.


not just Pakistani men all men and they're not even Pakistani nationals they're British Asian. You are confusing nationality with ethnicity a bit like Straw has.

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Hi Bounce,

No, im not a freshie. I am Brummie born and bred. It is a FACT that men of my race are naturally attracted to white women and if he is married to an Asian woman, then he did it for cultural reasons and not attraction. The freshies are too shy and also cant cross that cultural barrier to be able to have any meaningful conversation with an English woman, and the youngsters born in England are trying to act gangster cool, hence going way over the top to try to attract a woman. From my experiences as a Sikh and talking to other Sikh men in their 20s and 30s, is that it is becoming increasingly difficult to live honest and clean lives. I dont drink, smoke, do drugs or gamble and its so hard for me to find a woman that can respect that. I dont mind if she drinks or smokes as long as she can accomodate me in her life, but too many times i get ridiculed by women when they find out about my lifestyle. I have chosen to remain ignorant about drugs and wish i could do something to rid the streets of drugs. As far as i am concerned, the very young women of this nation need to be loved and protected, because at the end of the day, they are going to be the future mothers of this nations children. I dont just mean protect them from the elements out on the streets but from media influences. The media and its cool portrayel of sex has let this nation down.....now i dont mean that we should keep women behind veils as certain cultures would do, but to instead lead healthy and balanced lives (to date for potentially finding a life partner instead of casual dating just for sex these days), and we have a responsibility of being in good behaviour around children when we are in the outdoors, hence being good examples for the young. It would be nice to see children having fun like they did in the 1960s, etc, but those days are long behind us as we are living in times of increased animosity and twisted thoughts weather or not drugs may be to blame.


British born Asian men will marry girls from back home for cultural reasons but British Asian men are attracted to British Asian women. The main complaint I hear about British born Asian women from other Asian men is that they've got to much attitude not that they're un attractive. It seems you are on the extreme end of desperate which is usually a personality trait of a freshie which is why I asked. I can understand some women not being interested because of your clean lifestyle so its better you look for someone like yourself rather than just looking at skin colour. Usually people look for partners they have something in common with it seems you are just looking at white skin which is probably why you are failing. You have got some ideas about how things should be in your view of an ideal world but have you got any idea how to make your ideas a reality?

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