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Straw criticised for abuse comments !

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..and how does this case illustrate that is isn't?


It shows that there can be problems between two communities living side by side but separate in culture. The Asians are basically exploiting the cultural barriers by doing their bad things with the whites, as they know it won't get back within their own set........

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I tried to walk that tightrope on the thread that was removed and got flak from both sides.


I honestly think that this forum is incapable of discussing Islam without it sinking into cliche and argument. I think there's a strong case to be made for banning any discussion of Islam on SF.


I submitted that suggestion on the "Suggestions and Feedback Forum" and it's currently awaiting moderator approval as every suggestion on that forum must be pre-approved.


Meanwhile I'm staying out of this discussion, apart from this one post.


Nagel, you'll have probably noticed that 99% of threads about Islam are started from a negative perspective. Undoubtedly there are many facets to it, (and other religions) which are idiotic, but many of the threads are based on assumptions, half truths and downright lies.

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What I won't accept is that it's a cultural problem-like I said earlier football hooliganism is almost exclusively an activity engaged in by white males, but nobody would suggest their race is a significant factor, but it is something some mainly white males have a propensity to do.


Likewise the OP case is something that some Asian males have a predilection for, but it isn't their 'culture' that compels them to do it, or perhaps it's the lack of vulnerable girls within their own community that does, but you can't blame their culture for that, or should we make Asian girls more vulnerable so the men are less inclined to attack white or black ones?


First point, no, but target campaigns against hooliganism where white males go! I ain't gonna be offended if you don't put a ban the hooligan poster in a mosque!!


Second point. As above, no, but target vigilance and education in the right direction! Simples!

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Remember Straw's request that a burka clad woman remove her veil when she attended his surgery? He's never been afraid to voice a commonsense opinion.


OOOOooooh are you saying that wearing a Burkha may not be showing common sense????


*Tongue firmly in cheek* :)

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Nagel, you'll have probably noticed that 99% of threads about Islam are started from a negative perspective. Undoubtedly there are many facets to it, (and other religions) which are idiotic, but many of the threads are based on assumptions, half truths and downright lies.


They are not all about the whole of Islam, but parts of it, but many won't hear a bad word about any of it! The way some over-react are actually making things worse! I know Muslims who want certain things discussed but can't because do gooder non-Muslims jump to their defence when it's not necessary! It's laughable to most rational people, and it's really showing in this forum!

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First point, no, but target campaigns against hooliganism where white males go! I ain't gonna be offended if you don't put a ban the hooligan poster in a mosque!!
Indeed, however you might be if the poster read "Ban the white hooligan"!


Second point. As above, no, but target vigilance and education in the right direction! Simples!

On that we agree, I've no problem with that, my teeth gnash when I see any attempt to suggest only Asian males rape white girls or it's an aspect of behaviour that they're particularly susceptible to.


This is a unique problem, and is probably prevalent amongst certain gangs of Asians, however the vast majority of the Asian community are as appalled by it as much as you and I are.

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OOOOooooh are you saying that wearing a Burkha may not be showing common sense????


*Tongue firmly in cheek* :)


..well having stripped away the tabloid hysteria whipped up about it and read the article Straw wrote, I was in agreement with his view at the time ;)

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On that we agree, I've no problem with that, my teeth gnash when I see any attempt to suggest only Asian males rape white girls or it's an aspect of behaviour that they're particularly susceptible to.


This is a unique problem, and is probably prevalent amongst certain gangs of Asians, however the vast majority of the Asian community are as appalled by it as much as you and I are.


Agreed, I just get frustrated when people don't recognise that there can be a problem in certain "conditions".....if people deny where the problem is then the solution cannot be applied where affective.


On that note, I am off, have a good weekend.

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Agreed, I just get frustrated when people don't recognise that there can be a problem in certain "conditions".....if people deny where the problem is then the solution cannot be applied where affective.


On that note, I am off, have a good weekend.


You too fella, a pleasure as always :thumbsup:

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The most striking thing about these cases to me, is the number of people who are involved in the abuse of these girls, and the seeming impunity with which the perpetrators are able to carry out these crimes. There is clearly a cultural aspect to this, because it would be difficult for so many people to be involved in this almost open abuse, without there being an endemic attitude that any female (even 12 year old girls) who does not adhere to the code of behaviour expected of women by some Muslim men, is a 'whore' and can justifiably treated like an animal.


That said, I find it irritating that this issue is being manipulated as an excuse to have a go at 'lefties' ' One look at the people - paid and voluntary - doing the unpleasant and distressing work of picking up the pieces and supporting the victims and families in most sexual abuse cases will reveal that these front line workers are often exactly the type of people who are branded 'do gooders', 'lefties' and the 'PC brigade.' by the hard iof thinking on here.


I don't expect that those who habitually bandy these terms about will have the wit or subtlety to understand why it is hypocritical and shallow to show no interest in the pervasive problem of sexual abuse, until they find some aspect of it which they think can be used in support of their political views.

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