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Straw criticised for abuse comments !

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Pretty much, but not immigration per se, but mass immigration, immigration with little rules or control, immigration that we cannot have control over because we're part of the EU, immigration that lets in the dregs of the world as well as the people that we need, that will work hard, and reap the rewards that this country has to offer.


like everything else, it has two sides-good and bad. mass immigration, though i still argue, was only ever just post war till the 60s or so, if that, has nothing to do with 'no control, etc'. it's merely movement in large numbers. even if there were only five people allowed into the country a year and you brought in five of the wrong ones you would do worse harm than bringing in a million right ones.

border control, removal etc is the problem, not simply people coming in. but you've got a point, kinda, in the EU thing. still, gotta weigh what the country gets from being a member against what it looses. not sure about that one.

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like everything else, it has two sides-good and bad. mass immigration, though i still argue, was only ever just post war till the 60s or so, if that, has nothing to do with 'no control, etc'. it's merely movement in large numbers. even if there were only five people allowed into the country a year and you brought in five of the wrong ones you would do worse harm than bringing in a million right ones.

border control, removal etc is the problem, not simply people coming in. but you've got a point, kinda, in the EU thing. still, gotta weigh what the country gets from being a member against what it looses. not sure about that one.


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like everything else, it has two sides-good and bad. mass immigration, though i still argue, was only ever just post war till the 60s or so, if that, has nothing to do with 'no control, etc'. it's merely movement in large numbers. even if there were only five people allowed into the country a year and you brought in five of the wrong ones you would do worse harm than bringing in a million right ones.

border control, removal etc is the problem, not simply people coming in. but you've got a point, kinda, in the EU thing. still, gotta weigh what the country gets from being a member against what it looses. not sure about that one.


I agree border control is the problem, as is the fact that we can't control movements across EU border of EU citizens. Volume though, puts stress on a system that doesn't have a limitless capacity to deal with the volume. Any immigration or indeed asylum system that allows in 'undesirables', is flawed. I don't pretend it could be perfect, no system could be, but too many slip through the net.


Having strong views about this particular area of government policy is usually enough for me to be labelled racist or some other 'ist' or 'phobic', but it isn't about race or nationality. I'd no more rather have the Lithuanian gangs (most probably white) trafficking children to this country to be sex slaves than I would an African gang (most probably black). It's by allowing these criminals in that Britain has earnt the unenviable position it is in of being "a major transit point for the movement of child slaves around the world". Surely nobody wants this in Britain.


To be fair to you Kiamani, you put across some good points and I'm happy to read your posts or replies and take them on board as you don't take it personally and debate the issue. :thumbsup:

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I agree border control is the problem, as is the fact that we can't control movements across EU border of EU citizens. Volume though, puts stress on a system that doesn't have a limitless capacity to deal with the volume. Any immigration or indeed asylum system that allows in 'undesirables', is flawed. I don't pretend it could be perfect, no system could be, but too many slip through the net.


Having strong views about this particular area of government policy is usually enough for me to be labelled racist or some other 'ist' or 'phobic', but it isn't about race or nationality. I'd no more rather have the Lithuanian gangs (most probably white) trafficking children to this country to be sex slaves than I would an African gang (most probably black). It's by allowing these criminals in that Britain has earnt the unenviable position it is in of being "a major transit point for the movement of child slaves around the world". Surely nobody wants this in Britain.


To be fair to you Kiamani, you put across some good points and I'm happy to read your posts or replies and take them on board as you don't take it personally and debate the issue. :thumbsup:


i agree with everything you've said here. no ands no buts.:hihi: strange start to the day.:hihi:

and i do get your point about labeling. the 'right' does it with the 'sandal wearing, tree hugging' left. the 'left' does it with 'bigoted' right. it's very unhelpful and usually leaves victims of all sorts of outrages caught in the middle, and ignored at the expense of petty ideological squabbles.

i think we're all aiming for the same thing. just our routes and means to the solutions are different.

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