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Straw criticised for abuse comments !

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Not on about that!! It's your crazy obsession with the BNP having masses of paedophiles in their ranks!!!! You couldn't back your claims up when pressed so I will turn your phrase right back at you.


It's recorded fact:





TWO paedophiles jailed for sex attacks on schoolgirls last week are named on the leaked list of British National Party members, we can reveal.

Perverts Ian Richard Hindle, 32, and Andrew Paul Wells, 49, plied two 14-year-olds with alcohol before subjecting them to sickening abuse.




A former soldier and election candidate for the fascist British National Party in the Midlands has been jailed for 15 months after sending obscene images involving children to others.






A British National Party supporter who launched a four-year race hate campaign against his neighbours has been jailed for possessing child pornography.






A paedophile who helped organise British National Party attacks on HOPE not hate leafleters has been sent to prison. Described as “every parent’s worst nightmare”, Darren Francis, 37, pleaded guilty to having a sexual relationship with an underage girl after becoming infatuated with the troubled teenager.



“say” they are against paedophiles, yet within their ranks they have many ~ yet again, as always they are covered up by in-house kangaroo courts ~ here are a few examples of some that did get sentenced ~


July 2010 ~ BNP Paedophile: ‘Every parents’ worst nightmare’ locked up


A right wing activist and BNP member paedophile who allowed children to use his home to drink and take drugs has been jailed for a sexual relationship with an underage girl.


Darren Francis, aged 37, of Balfour Road, Kingsthorpe was branded “every parents’ worst nightmare” after becoming infatuated with a problem teenager who was just 13 years old. Despite being regularly warned off by police and the girl’s father, he allowed her to stay at his flat and they soon began having sex. She was aged 13 at the time, when Francis was in his mid-thirties, therefore 20 years older.


He said: “He had known her since she was 11 so was well aware of her age. She was something of a troubled soul and her parents were finding it very difficult to control her.


“In late 2007, she began absconding and would go to his flat where there was a supply of a drink and drugs, mainly cannabis although she mentioned there was also cocaine. The defendant would take them as well in the company of these teenagers. “He made a concerted effort to come between her and her parents and he simply became what we would say is every parents’ worst nightmare.


“In effect, from the age of 13 she fell under his spell, going round to his flat on a virtual daily basis and often she would not come home and if she did, she was under the influence of drink and drugs.


“In summer 2009, she came to her senses and ended matters but he could not cope with the rejection and began harassing her.” The girl, who cannot be named, then revealed how she had consented to sex with Francis, although she was legally unable to do so as she was underage.


Judge Charles Wide QC, who jailed him for four years and three months, said: “This is not a case of typical exploitation of a young girl as it seems there was some genuine affection from the girl concerned, although it was a wildly, wildly inappropriate relationship.


The right wing activist and BNP member was jailed in 2005 for repeated harassment of former Labour MP for Northampton North Sally Keeble. As well as harassment convictions, Francis has served prison sentences for assault, burglary, affray and robbery


November 2008 ~ TWO men jailed for sexual activity with 14-year-old girls had been thrown out of the British National Party when their offences came to light, it has been revealed.


Andrew Paul Wells Ian Richard Hindle


Ian Richard Hindle, 32, of Church Walk, Blackburn, and Andrew Paul Wells, 49, were jailed on Thursday for a total of five years and three months.


Preston Crown Court heard the pair had plied the girls with alcohol at Wells’ flat on Infirmary Street in Blackburn. Both men had been BNP members up until they were arrested for the offence.


Hindle, who pleaded guilty to unlawful sex with a child, was jailed for three years. The court heard that when Hindle had first met the girl she had lied about her age, but that he had discovered the truth before having sex with her.


Wells, of Infirmary Street, Blackburn, who was jailed for two years and three months, had earlier pleaded guilty to two counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child and one of engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child.


January 2006 ~ Roderick Rowley, who stood as a candidate for the BNP in Coventry’s Woodlands Ward in the local elections in 2004, was jailed for 15 months in December after sending obscene images involving children.


June 2008 ~ Neo-Nazi / BNP activist pervert jailed for 16 years


A NEO-NAZI who plotted terrorist acts at his flat in Goole because he wanted to “save Britain from multi-racial peril” has been jailed for 16 years.


Martyn Paul Gilleard, 31, of Pool Court, off Pasture Lane, Goole, E.Yorks,was convicted by a jury at Leeds Crown Court on Tuesday of engaging in preparing terrorist acts and collecting material for terrorist purposes. Officers from Humberside Police searching his home for child pornography on October 31 last year discovered four home-made nail bombs, an array of ammunition, weapons, and documents including white supremacist propaganda and instructions on how to make a bomb.


They also found 39,000 indecent images and videos of children, ranging from the least to the most serious categories of child abuse images. Gilleard was sentenced to 11 years for the terrorism offences and possession of firearms. He was given a 12-month sentence for possessing the indecent images of children, with a four-year extension as he was deemed dangerous by the judge.

The BNP makes its play for young blood


Take a look at the shiny new Young BNP page and the first thing that strikes you is the sub-heading, ‘the British Nationalist Youth Movement’, a bunch of young people (mostly, it has to be said, female), an ad for daily news updates at £1 a minute (which appears twice on each page) and the image of the ‘odel’ rune, that the BNP intends to use as its logo for the British Nationalist Youth Movement, the YBNP and the Student BNP.


Bearing in mind that the site is targeted at 13-18 year-olds, it seems odd that clicking on the Membership link takes you to a page that includes a poll on capital punishment, though in mitigation it has to be said that the jokes page is probably at about the right level for a low-teen and low-IQ BNP supporter.


Given the history of certain officers of the BNP and their penchant for sexual shenanigans, we took a look at the Organisation Structure, just to see who was running the BNP for young people, only to discover a large empty space under the heading ‘Contact details of adults involved in the organisation…’ But while there may be no named personnel responsible for the youth section of the party, there is a Child Protection Policy (CPP). God only knows who it’s aimed at but here it is:


As an adult involved in the YBNP you have a responsibility to ensure that young people are protected from harm. It is the responsibility of each adult in the YBNP to ensure that:


1 ~ their behaviour is appropriate at all times


2 ~ they observe the rules established for the safety and security of young people


3 ~ they follow the procedures following suspicion, disclosure or allegation of child abuse


4 ~ they recognise the position of trust in which they have been placed; and


5 ~ in every respect, the relationships they form with young people on their care are appropriate


All Adults in the YBNP must agree to put the party’s policy on child protection into practice.


Meeting your responsibilities:


1 ~ the welfare of the young people for whom you have a duty of care is safeguarded


2 ~ you avoid compromising situations or opportunities for misunderstandings or allegations


Interesting that the BNP should use that phrase ‘you avoid compromising situations or opportunities for misunderstandings or allegations’. Possibly it refers indirectly to last year’s BNP conference in Blackpool where the nazi Mark Cxxxxxx and Dave Hxxxxx, a married man, allegedly picked up two underage girls (14 yrs old) and brought them back to the conference hotel, the dire New Kimberley. Though it seems very odd that the CPP also includes the line ‘[that] they follow the procedures following suspicion, disclosure or allegation of child abuse’. Which procedures would they be, exactly? And were they adhered to at last year’s conference?


They were both disciplined by BNP leader Griffin but neither were expelled.

Griffin & Webster: ‘Things happened that night between Nick and myself.’


Far right extremists are known for their homophobia and intolerance of anyone whose sexual behaviour does not conform to the missionary position but a quick look at sexual preference on the far right gives a different picture. One of the more enduring and entertaining rumours about BNP leader Nick Griffin is that he had a gay relationship with ex-NF leader Martin Webster – which Webster made public in 1999.


When Nick Griffin told BBC One’s Question Time that he found “the sight of two men kissing in public a bit creepy”, he may have been thinking about a traumatic adolescent experience. In an interview with The Times, Mr Griffin claimed that a former deputy leader of the National Front (NF) offered sex to him when he was still a teenager.


The BNP chairman hit out at persistent allegations from Martin Webster, who mentored him in far-right politics during the late 1970s, about a relationship. Mr Webster has claimed that Mr Griffin had been his “bit on the side” for several years. Mr Griffin strongly denies that they had had an affair.


Although confirming he had often stayed overnight in Mr Webster’s London flat, Mr Griffin said he was unaware that the NF leader was gay “until he propositioned me when I was 16”. He added: “Despite having been to a boys’ public school, I didn’t really think anyone was a homosexual before that.”


Asked if he found it strange that a senior figure in a party which, at that time, advocated the persecution of gays should have offered to perform a sex act on him, Mr Griffin replied: “I certainly did. It was a bit of shock.”


The allegations by Mr Webster, who claims to have been kicked out of the NF because of his sexuality, are potentially damaging because it risks alienating many of his supporters.


Mr Griffin said if the “masturbatory fantasy about our affair” was true, he would have been 16 to 18 – below the age of legal consent for gay sex at the time – “so we could put him on the paedophile register”. He is not inclined to take any action against Mr Webster, however, because “he is a silly old queen and I can’t be bothered”.



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More arrests today:


Two men have been arrested by police as part of an investigation into child exploitation in Greater Manchester.



In connection with these arrests last year:

Nine men have been arrested as part of a police investigation into sexual exploitation of teenage girls in Greater Manchester.


They were held on suspicion of rape, inciting child prostitution, allowing a premises to be used for prostitution and sexual activity with a child.


The Asian men, aged between 20 and 40 from Rochdale and Heywood, were arrested on 21 December.

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More arrests:


British paedophile arrested in Thailand

A British man wanted for abusing children as young as 18 months old and selling online child porn internationally has been arrested in Thailand after more than a decade on the run.





And another three, all white:




White again:




No links to the bnp this time.

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More arrests:


British paedophile arrested in Thailand

A British man wanted for abusing children as young as 18 months old and selling online child porn internationally has been arrested in Thailand after more than a decade on the run.





And another three, all white:




White again:




No links to the bnp this time.


What is your point Spindrift, that white people abuse children too? Everybody knows that. But the thread is about the specific problems relating to a specific subset of abusers, and the discussion of those issues.

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More arrests:


British paedophile arrested in Thailand

A British man wanted for abusing children as young as 18 months old and selling online child porn internationally has been arrested in Thailand after more than a decade on the run.





And another three, all white:




White again:




No links to the bnp this time.


off topic deflection, however vile.

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What is your point Spindrift, that white people abuse children too? Everybody knows that. But the thread is about the specific problems relating to a specific subset of abusers, and the discussion of those issues.




Before the troll disrupted the Baroness Warsi thread you defended the lies printed in the media about muslims because "it was to be expected".


Out of interest, all those posters here wibbling on about the minority of asian men involved in this sort of thing (lower, as a percentage than white people)- what are you actually doing about it?


Serious question, what are you doing to stop it apart from moaning about it here, and since whites are more likely to abuse children why are you wasting so much energy on a smaller problem?

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Before the troll disrupted the Baroness Warsi thread you defended the lies printed in the media about muslims because "it was to be expected".


Out of interest, all those posters here wibbling on about the minority of asian men involved in this sort of thing (lower, as a percentage than white people)- what are you actually doing about it?


Serious question, what are you doing to stop it apart from moaning about it here, and since whites are more likely to abuse children why are you wasting so much energy on a smaller problem?


again deflection, the issue is thses gangs are getting away with it because of the attitudes displayed on here.

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