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Straw criticised for abuse comments !

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The only reason he said nothing before is his constituency has a large Asian community, liebour voters and he didn't want to lose their votes its as simple as that.


He's retiring after this parliament to his country pile somewhere in the rural home counties on his fat ministerial pension. I doubt he'll be seen in Blackburn again.

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I remember there was a documentary made a few years ago about this issue but it never made it to broadcast because it was seen as potentially incendiary. My feeling at the time was one of revulsion that women and children's welfare was being apparently sacrificed for the sake of racial harmony. There are several cultural issues that have been swept under the carpet over the years in a similar way. I think generally it takes time for taboo issues to reach a critical mass and break out into the open.


I think that there is quite a widespread two-tier attitude to women among certain ethnic minority cultures, just as there was in our own, the old virgin/whore crap of which there is still a prevailing residue in some quarters. But it's my experience that there is a pervasive cultural prejudice against 'kufirs' and that is especially crystallised against non-muslim females. It is this that I believe Jack Straw was referring to, and denying or smearing any attempt to bring it out in the open doesn't help anyone. Of course prejudice and judgements happen across various differences but in this case it's one that perhaps hasn't been confronted until now.


Quisquose posted a typically excellent and calmly fair examination of the issue, about outgroups being seen as intrinsically lesser that ingroup members. I think it's been lost as so many other posts have. I wish I could quote it.


I really hope the cases that have made the news recently will publicise the problem, at least enough for other girls to seek help and report their own experiences when they see it framed in the media as the abuse it is, whatever the ethnicity.


A mate of mine who worked in race relations in Sheffield about 7 years ago told me that Sheffield had a big issue with Asian men raping young white and black girls, and that a flat had been raided with kids in it round Park Hill... I never saw that in the papers or tv, but as my mate worked close to the case, I had no reason to disbelieve it... At the time I assumed it was a one off, but my mate really didn't think so...

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He's retiring after this parliament to his country pile somewhere in the rural home counties on his fat ministerial pension. I doubt he'll be seen in Blackburn again.


Don't see why not - he's lived there donkey's years and his kids were bought up and went to school there...

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As expected you will get the usual suspects defending muslim youth on this thread. However it is pretty obvious Jack Straw has a point.


If you are a reasonably attractive female and have a Facebook account you will get hit upon by muslim youths by the score. They will pester you and ask you out, and when you fail to respond they will abuse you.

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He's retiring after this parliament to his country pile somewhere in the rural home counties on his fat ministerial pension. I doubt he'll be seen in Blackburn again.



Exactly thats why he is opening his gob now.he is just another who has helped to ruin this country and now takes his place in the shires with the rest of em.

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He's retiring after this parliament to his country pile somewhere in the rural home counties on his fat ministerial pension. I doubt he'll be seen in Blackburn again.


He lives in Minster Lovell which is Cotswolds rather than Home Counties. The police bought the house next door for guard duties when he was Home Secretary and his house stands out a mile because of all the security cameras.

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About these Asian men apparently "only targeting white girls", you just have to ask yourself, if they knew of a young vulnerable Asian girl(s), would they target her/them too? .....of course they would.


But Asian girls are out of bounds, they are untouchable. On the whole Asian men have a despicable attitude towards white girls, its a fact.

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I think the bigger part of the whole story isn't the abuse and the cultro-religious issues surronding it, it about the role of political correctness in our society and how damaging it can be. It's obvious that people have been, at least in the past if not still, fearful of being labelled racist, which when working in a public duty, can ruin a career. Political correctness should not be used as protectionism to shield anybody from criticism of criminal activity.

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