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Dead birds - What do you think?

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I wonder if it could be to do with sun spot activity sending them off course and they die from flying too far with no food and water? I seem to remember that it's thought they navigate by magnetic North, or something.


I haven't read any of the reports in detail but have seen the pix and headlines. Seems very strange, doesn't it?


I'd give roughly the same answers there.


Also i've not heard anything, hence why I was asking for references to the 6 reports.

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I first saw this story in the Daily Mail the other day. It reported a similar incident. Oddly on examination the birds are said to have died from inner trauma. As though they had flown into something. Not by hitting the ground either, before some wag comments! There's also reports of thousands of dead fish turning up on shores along with crabs and other creatures. The incidents are world wide.


Although my smart ass brother commented today the fish could have been killed by birds falling on them. :hihi:


Isn't there some sort of legend that the world will end in May 2011 and that these insidents are the prequal...:suspect:


The more zany theory is that the birds have been hit by UFO's :confused:


No doubt the more stable of SF uses will dismiss the events as some sort of natural incident. Me? I've started to stockpile corned beef and coco pops in preparation of the breakdown of civilization, what do you think?:D

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One of the bird deaths is thought to have been caused by them flying too low and crashing. Caused by fireworks, I think.


The fish ones are strange as they only affect one species at a time. A virus might be a rational explanation for that.

The firework theory doesn't seem very credible to me. We've been having firework displays from time immemorial and I've never heard of en masse avian deaths before :huh:


It could be akin to the rains of frogs and fishes that we've heard about in folklore.

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I first saw this story in the Daily Mail the other day. It reported a similar incident. Oddly on examination the birds are said to have died from inner trauma. As though they had flown into something. Not by hitting the ground either, before some wag comments! There's also reports of thousands of dead fish turning up on shores along with crabs and other creatures. The incidents are world wide.


Although my smart ass brother commented today the fish could have been killed by birds falling on them.


Isn't there some sort of legend that the world will end in May 2011 and that these insidents are the prequal...


The more zany theory is that the birds have been hit by UFO's


No doubt the more stable of SF uses will dismiss the events as some sort of natural incident. Me? I've started to stockpile corned beef and coco pops in preparation of the breakdown of civilization....

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I wonder if it could be to do with sun spot activity sending them off course and they die from flying too far with no food and water? I seem to remember that it's thought they navigate by magnetic North, or something.


I haven't read any of the reports in detail but have seen the pix and headlines. Seems very strange, doesn't it?


But that wouldn't explain the fish and crabs dieing. A theory that there's something wrong with the earths core has also been claimed. Sorry can't remember where I saw this..

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