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What makes you weird.

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My other half says i'm weird as i refuse to eat fresh bread, i can't stand the stuff, i like my bread at least 3 days old and i'll eat it whatever it's age, as long as it hasn't started to devolop blue spots, though i have been known to eat the odd slice of polka dot Warburtons. :hihi:

im exactly the opposite, i like fresh bread and hate the older stuff.........specially frozen bread :gag:

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I make diesel from old,used stinking waste cooking oil....................

My neighbours and my mrs think i'm nut's.....

Does that count??:hihi:


Outside of winter only fuel i used in my old combo van was asda veg oil, i once even won a free sarnie as the woman in the sarnie shop thought i was puling her leg when i told her i ran the van on it, you should have seen her face when i emptied a 3 litre bottle into the tank. :hihi:

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I can't eat fresh bread either, I have it lightly toasted, which I suppose is the equivalent of 3 day old bread when I think about it. Mass produced fresh bread is clarty and often tastes pre-chewed. It makes me feel slightly sick.


A chunky granary from a proper bakers is different, I can eat a slice of that, no problems.

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I can't eat fresh bread either, I have it lightly toasted, which I suppose is the equivalent of 3 day old bread when I think about it. Mass produced fresh bread is clarty and often tastes pre-chewed. It makes me feel slightly sick.


A chunky granary from a proper bakers is different, I can eat a slice of that, no problems.


Bread is bad for you. It has bleach in it. Init. :D

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All the pillow cases on my bed have to match!


I know this is a little off topic, seen as though there is 2 pages on the geography of Doncaster. But I thought i'd go with the thread title because I have never lived in Donny and have probably only been there a handful of times!! lol

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