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What makes you weird.

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Everything I do, say or wear makes me wierd according to my OH and her family and a lot of my friends.


Ok most of my friends.


Ok, damnit, ALL of my friends.


I cant really point to one single thing and if I were to ask them then it`d probably use up all the bandwith of the forum just to discuss it.


In reality I`m far from wierd. They tried to say I was mad....


Well I say "Tried" because it wasnt easy for them COS I`D CUT THEIR FACES OFF!

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im exactly the opposite, i like fresh bread and hate the older stuff.........specially frozen bread :gag:


Do you defrost it ?:hihi:


Best way to freeze bread (proper bread - not the stuff that comes in a plastic bag) is to wrap it tightly in cling film and then but it in a plastic bag in the freezer.


I suppose offering advice on freezing bread is pretty weird ;)

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Do you defrost it ?:hihi:


Best way to freeze bread (proper bread - not the stuff that comes in a plastic bag) is to wrap it tightly in cling film and then but it in a plastic bag in the freezer.


I suppose offering advice on freezing bread is pretty weird ;)


Yeah, another weirdo, in your case due to how you spell freezer. :D

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  • 9 months later...
My other half says i'm weird as i refuse to eat fresh bread, i can't stand the stuff, i like my bread at least 3 days old and i'll eat it whatever it's age, as long as it hasn't started to devolop blue spots, though i have been known to eat the odd slice of polka dot Warburtons. :hihi:


Nothing wrong with that. I like eating game but it needs hanging until it reeks. I also like blue cheese, but prefer it after it has gone to green cheese.

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