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Six week wonders at the gym - annoying people !!

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I wouldn't go as far as to look and laugh, but the gym is noticeably busier in January than it will be in March, it's the same every year, and when you just want to get a on a machine and do your stuff, it's a bit annoying to wait for someone who's taking a gentle stroll or just lifting 5kg.

It's only for a month though and most of them will be gone, I've no desire to encourage or discourage them, I don't interact with anyone at the gym and don't expect anyone to interact with me, I'm not there for a chat.

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So here we go, at the gym we have the 6 week wonders. In other words, they are all over the place in january, and by the 2nd week in February, you wonder where they have gone - six week wonders.


Six week wonders are a pain at the gym because.....


1) They cannot work out how to use the gym equipment.


2) on the machines, struggle to work out where the on/off button is for the running machines.


3) smell of BO + leave sweat puddles on the machines. In normal life, they don't smell or leave puddles everywhere, but a bit of excercise and they sweat.


4) At the lane swimming, they cannot work out where the slow lane is, and often decide to swim in the fast lane.


5) slow the classes down, the instructor has to repeat the same instructions 20 times, and keep an eye on these people in case they die of exhaustion after doing 2 pressups.


SO roll on February, and hope many of the six weekers give up and clear off. Do you hate the six week wonders at your gym?


So sound like a right prat. People should not listen to you and actually go to the gym just to annoy people like you. People should not be scared about working out, but actually scared about turning into someone like you.

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I wouldn't go as far as to look and laugh, but the gym is noticeably busier in January than it will be in March, it's the same every year, and when you just want to get a on a machine and do your stuff, it's a bit annoying to wait for someone who's taking a gentle stroll or just lifting 5kg.

It's only for a month though and most of them will be gone, I've no desire to encourage or discourage them, I don't interact with anyone at the gym and don't expect anyone to interact with me, I'm not there for a chat.


As someone suggested to the op, you need anger management lessons. They've paid their dues, they're allowed to lift whatever weight and go at whatever speed they like. Perhaps, if you want exclusive use of the equipment, you should buy your own stuff and stay at home and that way you won't have to interact with anyone.

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see, id love to lose weight but do not go to the gym because of pricks like you, seriously, people like you are what makes people hate people.


You get them at every gym unfortunately. They are loud mouthed and not very intelligent.

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haha nice to see people telling him whats what.


Honestly, most of us would love to lose a little weight, but if i had a choice of being me with a little more weight or a dick like him but skinny.... i know what i would pick.


End of the day, Gyms are full of people like him, when i had a gym membership i went twice a week after college and all i noticed was three recurring annoyances.


1. People just join and spend all day in weights showing off.....

2. People who refuse to use more machines then one, (even though rules say max 30 mins per machine) there is a guy in the gym who would spend 3 hours on cross trainer.

3. Full of people giving the bigger people evils and bitching behind their backs.


Honestly i hated it, would never go back. Would prefer to go for a nice walk or bike ride in summer, and in winter just do weights and few sit ups at home and eat sensible.

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you are one of the reasons i am reluctant to join a gym i have lost alot of weight but really need to get fit but am quite shy and havnt got much confidence,,people keep telling me to join a gym but i dont want people looking and laughing because i dont know how to use the machines,,was told it wasnt like that and you get lots of support but im glad i didnt join now after reading your post i was clearly right.


I think it is harder for blokes to get into the gym thing as although many of the classes are open to everyone most are full of women (apart from pump, spinning and circuit training)


It was going to the classes that made me feel welcome and built my confidence as at first I got very self concious on the machines. I've been going 3 months now (had three weeks off over Christmas) and it is much busier at the moment but I guess it will be quiet again by June.


I would not worry about getting laughed at, most people are polite and most just plug themselves into the screens and focus on that. I still feel a little self concious as some people are very fit and I tend to huff and puff :hihi: The gym I go to is fine, there are normally lots of people to help if you get stuck!

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As someone suggested to the op, you need anger management lessons. They've paid their dues, they're allowed to lift whatever weight and go at whatever speed they like. Perhaps, if you want exclusive use of the equipment, you should buy your own stuff and stay at home and that way you won't have to interact with anyone.


Errr, no, but maybe you need English lessons. A bit annoying doesn't mean that it makes me angry :roll:


I don't think it's unreasonable to find it a bit annoying when the gym is busier than usual and I'm having to wait to use equipment. And if I had the space at home I'd certainly get my own equipment, it'd be cheaper in the long run and more convenient.

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