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Six week wonders at the gym - annoying people !!

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So here we go, at the gym we have the 6 week wonders. In other words, they are all over the place in january, and by the 2nd week in February, you wonder where they have gone - six week wonders.


Six week wonders are a pain at the gym because.....


1) They cannot work out how to use the gym equipment.


2) on the machines, struggle to work out where the on/off button is for the running machines.


3) smell of BO + leave sweat puddles on the machines. In normal life, they don't smell or leave puddles everywhere, but a bit of excercise and they sweat.


4) At the lane swimming, they cannot work out where the slow lane is, and often decide to swim in the fast lane.


5) slow the classes down, the instructor has to repeat the same instructions 20 times, and keep an eye on these people in case they die of exhaustion after doing 2 pressups.


SO roll on February, and hope many of the six weekers give up and clear off. Do you hate the six week wonders at your gym?


As a long term member of the gym, perhaps you should be welcoming the beginners and encouraging them. Use yourself as a positive roll model of what the hard work can do. Give them light at the end of the tunnel, instead of moaning and ripping the pss. Your not training with Sparticas in a Roman Lutas for glory in the arena, your lifting weights for glory and envy in the pub. Save your gloating for when your out with ya mates showing off the bod.

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2. People who refuse to use more machines then one, (even though rules say max 30 mins per machine) there is a guy in the gym who would spend 3 hours on cross trainer.



Every gym as one of those and nobody says a thing but if a newcomer was to do it a instructor would soon be on their back, you get the same when you go swimming there is always one that thinks its his lane and woe betide anyone that gets in his way.

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I go to the gym and always help the newbies as it can be quite daunting, a-holes like the OP are usually useless themselves and spend more time making sure their hair is ok in the mirror or making sure their make-up isn't running instead of grafting a little! We call them preening ponces :hihi:

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I go to the gym and always help the newbies as it can be quite daunting, a-holes like the OP are usually useless themselves and spend more time making sure their hair is ok in the mirror or making sure their make-up isn't running instead of grafting a little! We call them preening ponces :hihi:





I do love that term!:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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So here we go, at the gym we have the 6 week wonders. In other words, they are all over the place in january, and by the 2nd week in February, you wonder where they have gone - six week wonders.


Six week wonders are a pain at the gym because.....


1) They cannot work out how to use the gym equipment.


2) on the machines, struggle to work out where the on/off button is for the running machines.


3) smell of BO + leave sweat puddles on the machines. In normal life, they don't smell or leave puddles everywhere, but a bit of excercise and they sweat.


4) At the lane swimming, they cannot work out where the slow lane is, and often decide to swim in the fast lane.


5) slow the classes down, the instructor has to repeat the same instructions 20 times, and keep an eye on these people in case they die of exhaustion after doing 2 pressups.


SO roll on February, and hope many of the six weekers give up and clear off. Do you hate the six week wonders at your gym?


what a lovely person! how welcoming for new members.

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I've just joined the gym, well December time, been going very regularly, going to the classes and do you know what u can do one if you thing arrogant pigs like yourself are going to put me off going, I'm getting back into shape and enjoy doing it! For you info I don't smell of BO and I certainly don't leave puddles of sweat on the machines as you put it! So you go ahead and keep looking in the mirror, and competing with people you have never spoken to in your life, and think your better than them cause you can lift more than him! Get down of your high horse, and let people do what they want too, and their own speed, just remember they pay exactly the same as what you do, so why can you do what you want to, and they can't? Rant over :)

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I've just joined the gym, well December time, been going very regularly, going to the classes and do you know what u can do one if you thing arrogant pigs like yourself are going to put me off going, I'm getting back into shape and enjoy doing it! For you info I don't smell of BO and I certainly don't leave puddles of sweat on the machines as you put it! So you go ahead and keep looking in the mirror, and competing with people you have never spoken to in your life, and think your better than them cause you can lift more than him! Get down of your high horse, and let people do what they want too, and their own speed, just remember they pay exactly the same as what you do, so why can you do what you want to, and they can't? Rant over :)




Go baby, go baby......you tell him girl!:clap::clap:

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