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MP wants ALL men in Bristol DNA screened to find killer

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Another point of view for this is my brother in law's scenario, mentioned earlier. He was collected from work by police, all very embarrassing.


If his DNA had been on the database he could have been eliminated from the enquiry without even knowing or being bothered by the police.


Well there's an easy solution to anyone who has your concerns- you, your brother and anyone else who feels the same, can simply turn up at the local police station and volunteer to have a DNA sample taken and put on record.


That way you can avoid the embarressment of being picked up for crimes you haven't committed.


Meanwhile, those of us who do care about our civil liberties, can refrain from doing so.

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I honestly dont know. From reading this thread it seems that lots of people on SF are either paranoid or maybe criminals who've got away with it so far.....or maybe both.
So my defending your and everyone else's right to a private life free from as much interference from the state as possible, is paranoia or a sign of criminal intent now, is it?


Someone better tell the American founding fathers

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my DNA's already on the system so i guess this is all just academic. but i do think that 'making' people give their DNA would be a step too far. those who don't mind can opt in. if they don't find who did it from that pool(which is almost a given) then the police will have to do their job the old fashioned way, i think. considering that the guy who did the crime has most likely left Bristol the only sensible thing to do would be to do the whole country...or find everyone who migrated at around the time...or anyone who was in the country at the time as they could have been in Bristol...i know this if far fetched, but that would be the only real way to cover all bases. could then also use the data base for people who drop cig butts, chewing gum, spit on the curb etc...

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Cant believe that the MP would make a statement like that without thinking it through. Surely she would have been better off discussing it with the police and getting them to look at the enormity of the situation before she decided to talk to the media. Seems a strange thing for an MP to say anyway.Its a criminal matter.


she is, i believe, a labour mp and so has no belief in individual civil liberties

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Please elaborate on what "civil liberties" you'd lose.


pretty much covered here-


The right to be innocent until proven guilty. The right to privacy. The right to not give DNA to a murder investigation purely because it was commited in the same city.



Not that it's particularly relevant to the point you were raising, which was your brother-in-law being embaressed by being pulled in by the police- like i like before, that could be avoided, for those who wish it, by simply giving a voluntary DNA sample to the police.

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