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MP wants ALL men in Bristol DNA screened to find killer

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I think the point that PuressenceUK is making is that they might consider this information to be important in their decision making process. In that way very much their business and therefore, Puressence believes, a reason for not maintaining a National DNA database.


I believe they want the information for incidious purposes and not for 'the greater good' as these things are always painted to be. This is how things get pushed through in tiny little steps.


Start off taking all the DNA in Bristol, then say "oh well Bristol have done it, why not do it everywhere, it's pefectly harmless". I will be like security cameras, let's just put a few up it will help fight crime. Before you know it they are everywhere. It's the totalitarian tiptoe, one step at a time.

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If his DNA had been on record the police wouldn't have had to bother collecting him from his work and inconveniencing him.

So because of this you want the police to inconvenience all the men within a city for the sole reason that they live in Bristol? Not even suspects, they just happen live in Bristol.


With your brother the police were dismissing a suspect, not dismissing whole sections of a community.

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Imagine a Britain where the government had samples of tissue and fluid from the entire community on file and a computerised databank of each individual's DNA profile.


Imagine then that not only law enforcement officials, but insurance companies, employers, schools, adoption agencies, and many other organisations could gain access to those files on a "need to know" basis or on a showing that access is "in the public interest." (or even if the government, *whoops* lost all the data as they have a nasty habit of doing).


Imagine then that an individual could be turned down for jobs, insurance, adoption, health care, banking services and other social services and benefits on the basis of information contained in her DNA profile, such as genetic disease, heritage, or someone else's subjective idea of a genetic flaw.


You would no longer be a free individual, but a tool of the state, reduced to little more than a drone. The next step is to remove money, and make all transactions cashless. We keep hearing about the cashless society all the time. Why? Because if banks and the goverment control your access to money electronically, again they have you over a barrel and can turn it on or off at anytime, freezing your assets.


Wow - you should write a Hollywood Blockbuster! Sound like something from Robo Cop! :rolleyes:

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So because of this you want the police to inconvenience all the men within a city for the sole reason that they live in Bristol? Not even suspects, they just happen live in Bristol.


Nope, I think its a stupid idea and just reinforces the public's belief that there is a two tier police support service. One for victims who tick all the right boxes (white, middle class, southern, graduate) and one for the rest of the country.

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:hihi: Where? Are you speaking from personal experience???


Don't they have security cameras where you live? Aren't people being held without trial? Aren't you being asked to give up more and more civil liberties every year under the guise of 'protection from nasty terrorists?'.


If so can I come and live where you do in fantasy land.

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Don't they have security cameras where you live? Aren't people being held without trial? Aren't you being asked to give up more and more civil liberties every year under the guise of 'protection from nasty terrorists?'.


If so can I come and live where you do in fantasy land.


None of which were mentioned in your Sci-Fi post, but I shall respond nether the less.

The thing is, I'm not bothered by CCTV cameras, they're there to help. The police have used CCTV images to assist in their investiagtion into the Joanna Yates murder, and if someone is sneakily spying on me with their CCTV camera whilst i'm walking down the street, so what? I'm not up to anything, what's the issue? I'd rather them be there than not.

I have not personally been asked to give up any civil liberties, am I being left out or have I just not noticed? Nothing has changed for me since blowing folk up became more fashionable in recent times.

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None of which were mentioned in your Sci-Fi post, but I shall respond nether the less.

The thing is, I'm not bothered by CCTV cameras, they're there to help. The police have used CCTV images to assist in their investiagtion into the Joanna Yates murder, and if someone is sneakily spying on me with their CCTV camera whilst i'm walking down the street, so what? I'm not up to anything, what's the issue? I'd rather them be there than not.

I have not personally been asked to give up any civil liberties, am I being left out or have I just not noticed? Nothing has changed for me since blowing folk up became more fashionable in recent times.


You've fallen for the hype then. It's not being done to protect you despite what they say, its being done to monitor you.

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