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MP wants ALL men in Bristol DNA screened to find killer

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Halibut I respect your view but I'm at the point where I need some stats or annecdotal view of a police officer.


Can you say how I am utterly wrong? Am I also wrong to think that the police have a section devoted to using DNA evidence to clear up dormant investigations?


You're not wrong that the police use DNA to try and solve some old cases, but think about this.


The police get useful DNA evidence when the offender leaves their bodily fluids behind - this could be blood, semen, saliva or even faecal matter - but the great majority of crimes, often even very serious ones don't leave usable DNA. Shootings, for example - very unlikely indeed to be solved using DNA evidence. Even sexual crimes - it's just not a foregone conclusion that you'll get DNA evidence.

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Are sexual assaults committed by people in such control of themselves and their victims?


Sometimes yes, sometimes no - even if it's an impulsive act carried out by someone who is drugged or drunk it's entirely possible that a sexual assault could happen without leaving DNA. ( I could explain this more thoroughly, but I'm conscious that other might be offended if it becomes to graphic a discussion - I'm sure you can use your imagination.)

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Really? A sexual assault that leaves no DNA?


You said sexual assaults and murder. DNA evidence is more common in sexual assaults than murders, but that doesn't mean it's always there.


It's extremely common for DNA evidence to have been degraded or destroyed, either by the victim (more common in sexual assaults), or by the actions of the environment (in both scenarios) or by the perpetrator (in the case of murders). I'm not going to go into detail how as it would end up being a 'how to clean up your crime scene' guide, but forensic awareness is now very common which means that most offenders go to some lengths to avoid leaving their DNA there in the first place, or destroy it afterwards.

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Going back to the OP, its not the first time this MP has said or done something stupid:



Kerry McCarthy, Labour MP for Bristol East, has escaped prosecution for alleged electoral fraud.


McCarthy has been cautioned by the police after tweeting the results of some postal votes in her constituency before the General Election. It is against the law to reveal votes before elections in case it influences the result.



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