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Do you turn everything off at night?


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Do you turn everything off at night, including unplugging it from the socket?


Do you leave things on Standby?


What do you leave on?


Are you worried about the fire hazzard it may cause?



For example, do you leave your mobile on charge overnight?

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I never turn anything off at night


I leave the landing light on all night


I leave the phone plugged into the charger all night


I sometimes leave the TV on standby, but try to remember to turn it off at the button


I never unplug anything


You can worry too much in my view


Mind you, having said that, two things I make sure of

1. smoke alarm batteries always charged

2. carbon monoxide tester always plugged in

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I turn everything off but don't unplug things.


I don't leave the TV on standby because I thought it used as much electricity on standby as if it were on. That just seems a waste to me.


I heard about someone's mobile phone that was on charge overnight and melted. I still charge mine overnight though. I don't really know how much of a realistic fire risk a mobile phone charging up is? Maybe someone can enlighten me? It's unfortunate that I find charging my phone up overnight is the most convenient time to do it.


Following on from Belle's point: I do check my smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector as often as I can remember though...

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Turn the telly off but leave the video on. Sometimes leave my towel heater on if I've had a shower. Turn the PC off (the monitor goes onto standby, don't normally switch it off completely). The stereo stays on standby. My mobile phone is plugged in most of the time. Don't unplug anything, what's the point?

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Originally posted by Sidla

Don't unplug anything, what's the point?


With you on that Sidla. If I go into the kitchen at night it's lit up like the flight deck of the Enterprise with the amount of indicator lights on. In fact, I can pretty much navigate through the whole house by the lights coming from electrical appliances.

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