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Maybe a long shot, but I'm trying to find out what this building is now


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When I went to Loose hill Hall I worked for B&C co-op it was like a hostel and lots of us stopped in one room, we also walked to the Cheshire Cheese. I don't know what year you are talking about but that was back in 1962 or 1963 it was after passing some exams for a management course that we went. The boys were in one room and girls were in the other. I can remember that we weren't supposed to bring drink in but we did under age as well I remember the boys opening them on a mantelpiece in their room. I have got a photo somewhere and I can remember we were all sat outside and there were big wide steps up to the doors. I can remember all of us having to get washed in the room so there couldn't have been a bathroom. I feel sure that it must have been the same place.

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