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Record shop at top of Cambridge St?

John G

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Remember Violet Mays?.... That was a good shop for picking up older singles and ex juke box stuff. Peter Frampton... 'Show me the way" what a find that was..... erm....


They sold comic books too I think... or was that after a change of ownership?



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Originally posted by Lickszz

I remember when the owners of Warp appeared on that yearly Enterprize show that used to be on around 6:30pm. They didn't win but what year would that have been?


I think that was 1991.


Warp the record label is now one of the most successful and admired independent labels in the world - check out http://www.warprecords.com to see how far they've come since those heady days of '89-'90 when they reached the top 40 three times with tracks by LFO, Nightmares on Wax and Tricky Disco.


The shop and label were founded by Steve Beckett and Rob Mitchell, but unfortunately Rob died a couple of years ago due to cancer. They moved their operation from Sheffield to London about 3 years back, but their links with the city will always remain.


They are particularly known for their continuing collaborations with Sheffield's world famous design team, The Designers Republic - http://www.thedesignersrepublic.com

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I bought my first two FOCUS elpees from this shop Jeff's Records, before moving to there the shop was on Division Street near to John Fanthams barber shop. The shop on Cambridge street had Faulkners Snooker hall above it and I used to play snooker with Jeff's younger brother Craig there. Jeff is now a market trader and also does carboots, usually at Marsh Lane or Chesterfield.

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