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Arizona gunman why a trial?

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No imo certain people deserve nothing more than instant justice, there is no room for error here! a trial will drag on and on and cost the state millions, the relatives will be re-living this crime for years to come in court rooms and through the media, where there is a clear cut case throw the switch!

same for the bristol child molestors on the news today:rant:


It's not about your vengeance fantasies though - it's about following the process of the law.


Who would get to deliver the 'instant justice' in your fantasy? Arnie? You?



If you knew anything about anything you'd know that one of the most important things to a family who loses a member in cases like this is to understand why their loved one died.

That clearly wouldn't and couldn't be the case in your fantasy world.

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If you knew anything about anything you'd know that one of the most important things to a family who loses a member in cases like this is to understand why their loved one died.

That clearly wouldn't and couldn't be the case in your fantasy world.


IMHO, one of the worst outcomes (with the main exception of the gunman not being identified and caught) is for someone to dispense justice at the site of the shootings and kill the gunman. By just getting rid of the person, we as a society don't learn anything from their actions, or how we can work to prevent future similar events. Obviously, if it become obvious that the gunman will kill anyone who gets near him, then it may become neccessary to kill him for the safety of everyone else, but that should be a last resort, not seen as an easy way of righting the wrongs committed.


Sadly when it comes to these sort of events, people react with their hearts rather than brains, leading to the calls from the last school shooting incident for children to be given guns to defend themselves from other children.

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By just getting rid of the person, we as a society don't learn anything from their actions, or how we can work to prevent future similar events.

indeed, sure i mentioned something similar once or twice in the usual arguements about muslim terrorists

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It's not about your vengeance fantasies though - it's about following the process of the law.


Who would get to deliver the 'instant justice' in your fantasy? Arnie? You?



If you knew anything about anything you'd know that one of the most important things to a family who loses a member in cases like this is to understand why their loved one died.

That clearly wouldn't and couldn't be the case in your fantasy world.


You're a wise old fish!

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IMHO, one of the worst outcomes (with the main exception of the gunman not being identified and caught) is for someone to dispense justice at the site of the shootings and kill the gunman. By just getting rid of the person, we as a society don't learn anything from their actions, or how we can work to prevent future similar events. Obviously, if it become obvious that the gunman will kill anyone who gets near him, then it may become neccessary to kill him for the safety of everyone else, but that should be a last resort, not seen as an easy way of righting the wrongs committed.


Sadly when it comes to these sort of events, people react with their hearts rather than brains, leading to the calls from the last school shooting incident for children to be given guns to defend themselves from other children.


It is nothing we have not seen countless times before, there really is nothing more to be learned from these people. I hope he is executed for his actions.

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An american stand up comedian suggested charging $1000 per bullet. I like this idea! If the mental americans "need" a gun to defend themselves from charlton heston they can purchase maybe 6 bullets to be used in an emergency. If some gang twonk wants to shoot at another gang twonk they will have to get a brilliant job first.


Ps I realise stealing bullets would be an issue but its a good concept!

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What I find strange about this latest mass shooting event in the USA is that there seems to be more hand-wringing in the states about someone shooting a politician than there was when a bunch of school kids get shot by another school kid.


The school shootings seem to be viewed with ..."not another one", and this latest event seems to be viewed as worse somehow.


I spent some time in Texas in 1996...it was genuinely easier to buy a gun and ammo than a beer. I also found it very scary that in most bars you would see guys with a gun sticking out of a jeans back pocket. Why feel the need to take a gun when you've just gone down the pub for a beer to watch a game on TV? Parallel universe....

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What I find strange about this latest mass shooting event in the USA is that there seems to be more hand-wringing in the states about someone shooting a politician than there was when a bunch of school kids get shot by another school kid.


The school shootings seem to be viewed with ..."not another one", and this latest event seems to be viewed as worse somehow.


I spent some time in Texas in 1996...it was genuinely easier to buy a gun and ammo than a beer. I also found it very scary that in most bars you would see guys with a gun sticking out of a jeans back pocket. Why feel the need to take a gun when you've just gone down the pub for a beer to watch a game on TV? Parallel universe....


presumably because you know all the other drunks will be carrying guns.


There is a great cartoon in "bowling for columbine" made I think by the creators of southpark which attempts to explain the obsession of white americans with guns!


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the shooting in Arizona of the congresswomen and the other victims is cut and dried, there were a huge amount of witnesses so why a court case? and trial?

send him straight to the electric chair!! this seems a good way to give the families a little instant retribution, people like Jared Loughner dont deserve a trial :rant:



there's more defences in law than the "it wasnt me" defence - insanity, autonamism, necessity, to name a few. Or he may wish to raise a partial defence (diminished responsibility, provocation) to lower the charge to manslaughter (I think they call it 2nd degree murder in America but a partial defence needs to be raised all the same). Besides all this, the media tend to label most court cases "trials" but he probably hasnt even entered a plea yet.

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