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Life is..yucky.

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Why does life have to be so.....well....yucky? It always seems to be such a struggle. A struggle to make money, to pay bills, to get ahead. And then, you have (or at least I had) the crazy idea that it would be good to bring some innocent children into the world. Then you struggle to provide for them as well and you worry that you aren't doing enough or the right things and you wonder if they will hate you when they grow up because you didn't do better for them. All the while, the world seems to be going to hell…wars, drugs, just plain meanness and then you worry what sort of world they will live in after you're gone.


Is life something to be endured rather than enjoyed? From my perspective, that is certainly the case. Anyone else feel this way?

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It's very understandable and easy to feel this way, and I'm sure we all have at times.


It takes much more effort to remain positive and when you're tired and run down it seems impossible, but you can do it. The world won't necessarily change but your attitude to it can.


Start by finding five things a night to be grateful for. They don't have to be big things just small everyday things that you might normally take for granted.


And don't forget children are not just a heavy responsibility, but also a great source of love and joy.


There are lots of books out about how to be happier and they do work. I know because I used to feel just like you. But you have to work at being happy, just like everything else. It can be found in the smallest places and in the smallest things.

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Everybody feels like that occassionaly.

Its how you deal with it that sets you apart, find an interest outside the drudgery of everyday life and maintain a positive attitude.


You'll be amazed how good you'll feel.


Your glass is half full, not half empty!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Everybody feels like that occassionaly.

Its how you deal with it that sets you apart, find an interest outside the drudgery of everyday life and maintain a positive attitude.


You'll be amazed how good you'll feel.


Your glass is half full, not half empty!!!!!!!!!!!!

mines always half empty :(

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I think lots of us have the January blues ... when the sun shines it always seems a little better, even though we are facing the same issues.


I was sat today at work thinking is this is .. you wake up, go to work ... stay there all day, go home in the dark, knackered, eat, sleep and start again. day in ... day out.


I sooooooo need to win the lottery :(

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