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Life is..yucky.

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Aussie are dying , their homes are distory and all you lot can think about is i got less ££ to buy bee/ is my glass half empty:huh:


It seems your glass is more than half empty but that's what happens when you give an eleven year old some shandy, bed time soon dannyboy, school in the morning.

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Aussie are dying , their homes are distory and all you lot can think about is i got less ££ to buy bee/ is my glass half empty:huh:

There are always people dying, in order to function you have to limit the amount if empathy shared with people you don't know otherwise you wouldn't be able to function. So long as you and yours aren't dying and don't seem likely to in the future it's possible to be happy.

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Ahhh Cotton Top, here's something to cheer you up!




I apologize for the crappy quality and they cut it off halfway but you get the idea.


No matter how bad things seem, there's always someone who has it worse than you. I just found out through a mutal friend that a former beau of mine has (thanks to overspending and high living) just about destroyed the thriving business he inherited from his father, and the girl he married (instead of me) spent him into bankruptcy. Literally. What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall at his lawyer's office. Ahhhhh, Schadenfreude, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...


Yup. The weather here is lousy and cold, our inadequate furnace is getting a workout, both of my children are sick, someone got mud on the living room sofa (I'm looking at you, son), and my water bill last month actually went UP?!! Whaaa? It's DECEMBER. The only water we use is for bathing, cooking and drinking. Oh Christ, we probably have a leak somewhere! I heard a rat in the attic over my head yesterday, why hello chewed wires! This is just a poopy time of year.


I'm thankful for mine and my family's health, enough food to eat (that's painfully obvious) money to keep up with the bills (for now, anyway) and just you know, the usual stuff. And the last Christmas cookie in the bottom of the freezer. Must've fallen out of an open Ziploc bag. Yeah, it was still good, too!


It will get better. Promise. :)

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Thanks to everyone for their responses and for the PMs.


I have made some poor decisions in the past that are now catching up with me and I worry how they are going to affect myself and my children. I have many regrets in life.


Now, as some of you have pointed out (and rightly so) there are always people out there who have it worse than me. I recognize that. In some ways I suppose it is selfish/self centered to focus on my own crappy situation and not to recognize all of the things that are right in my world. As I said before, I fall down sometimes and I just have to find a way to pull myself up.


Thanks again everyone.

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i know how you feel cottontop. when you watch the news, get stressed at work, health issues, worry about the future etc. sometimes i wonder whether itd be better if the world was just reset to a simpler time...


the way i get 'over it' is by thinking about those in far tougher times than me. i have a job, more or less full health, a house, a loving partner. you have to be thankful for everything you do have and appreciate the smaller things in life.

this song always picks me up... the lead singer is from sheffield too...


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Thanks to everyone for their responses and for the PMs.


I have made some poor decisions in the past that are now catching up with me and I worry how they are going to affect myself and my children. I have many regrets in life.


Now, as some of you have pointed out (and rightly so) there are always people out there who have it worse than me. I recognize that. In some ways I suppose it is selfish/self centered to focus on my own crappy situation and not to recognize all of the things that are right in my world. As I said before, I fall down sometimes and I just have to find a way to pull myself up.


Thanks again everyone.

You did the right thing to talk about it. I was awful glad to see 2011 arrive. 10 wa a terrible year for Pauline and I. I contracted pneumonia three times last year, the third time so serious that I went into ICU, then to cap it all I was coaching, when I fell backwards out of my lawn chair and hit he back of my head on the ground hard, I was comcussed, and one of the team girls ran me home. The following day I was out for some errands and a haircut when I suddenly felt sick. I passed out in the car and rolled it. I'm looking out the window at the snow coming down in buckets and wondering how the hell we're going to clear it. I'm banned by my doctor because of my heart condition, and Pauline is diabetic, so I won't let her. But I put it all together and think how lucky I am. I'll be 80 in August , I have a great wife, a lovely home, I can see OK, hear OK, play jeopardy as good as anybody on air, and beat any contestant on Wheel of Fortune except the nightly bimbo winner. Most of all its the goodness of people around us that keeps us happy. When the Patriots win the Superbowl which they will, and the Uconn women's basketball wins the NCAA hopefully playing Duke I'll be happier still.
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You did the right thing to talk about it. I was awful glad to see 2011 arrive. 10 wa a terrible year for Pauline and I. I contracted pneumonia three times last year, the third time so serious that I went into ICU, then to cap it all I was coaching, when I fell backwards out of my lawn chair and hit he back of my head on the ground hard, I was comcussed, and one of the team girls ran me home. The following day I was out for some errands and a haircut when I suddenly felt sick. I passed out in the car and rolled it. I'm looking out the window at the snow coming down in buckets and wondering how the hell we're going to clear it. I'm banned by my doctor because of my heart condition, and Pauline is diabetic, so I won't let her. But I put it all together and think how lucky I am. I'll be 80 in August , I have a great wife, a lovely home, I can see OK, hear OK, play jeopardy as good as anybody on air, and beat any contestant on Wheel of Fortune except the nightly bimbo winner. Most of all its the goodness of people around us that keeps us happy. When the Patriots win the Superbowl which they will, and the Uconn women's basketball wins the NCAA hopefully playing Duke I'll be happier still.


Sounds like you had nothing but bad luck last year Buck, hope 2011 brings everyone a bit of good luck and Cotton Top too.

Bet you didn't guess the saying with one letter like the girl did on Wheel :o , UConn women made my 2010 a good ending.


Anyhow, 20 inches of snow we got in Fairfield County last night could be worse, could be the water.:)

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Sounds like you had nothing but bad luck last year Buck, hope 2011 brings everyone a bit of good luck and Cotton Top too.

Bet you didn't guess the saying with one letter like the girl did on Wheel :o , UConn women made my 2010 a good ending.


Anyhow, 20 inches of snow we got in Fairfield County last night could be worse, could be the water.:)

Last season for Maya Moore, best woman basketball player in the world ever.
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Thanks to everyone for their responses and for the PMs.


I have made some poor decisions in the past that are now catching up with me and I worry how they are going to affect myself and my children. I have many regrets in life.


Now, as some of you have pointed out (and rightly so) there are always people out there who have it worse than me. I recognize that. In some ways I suppose it is selfish/self centered to focus on my own crappy situation and not to recognize all of the things that are right in my world. As I said before, I fall down sometimes and I just have to find a way to pull myself up.


Thanks again everyone.


Awwww honey, we all have regrets! Mine are too numerous to go into (and this is a family forum, hehheh) BUT. The one thing I sure don't regret is marrying the person I mentioned earlier. I also heard that his lavish home was foreclosed on and he was forced to move into a crappy rental house. (Yes, I know, I'm a vindictive cow! Whee!)


You know, for years, I felt like the person who is supremely annoyed that they missed their flight...only now, I found out that the plane I could have been on has crashed, killing all aboard. Boy howdy, did he do me a favor by dumping me. So, THANKS, jerkwhoshallremainnameless! Remember, be nice to your lawyers, and I bet your wife is the best dressed one in Bankruptcy Court! :D

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