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Life is..yucky.

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Thanks to everyone for their responses and for the PMs.


I have made some poor decisions in the past that are now catching up with me and I worry how they are going to affect myself and my children. I have many regrets in life.


Now, as some of you have pointed out (and rightly so) there are always people out there who have it worse than me. I recognize that. In some ways I suppose it is selfish/self centered to focus on my own crappy situation and not to recognize all of the things that are right in my world. As I said before, I fall down sometimes and I just have to find a way to pull myself up.


Thanks again everyone.


Everybody makes poor decisions - we wouldn't be human if we didn't get it wrong sometimes. Hindsight is always 20/20, but when you're in the middle of a situation, things aren't always clear cut. So it's better to try and think of ways to cope with the results of your decisions, rather than regretting them and beating yourself up for getting in wrong. You can't change the past, so try and concentrate on the future.


When you're down, it's hard to appreciate what you've got - and it matters bugger all that there are people in the world who have it worse than you, so you don't need feel selfish about it.


It's good you're talking about how you're feeling - that always helps, it can get things back into perspective. I bet you're exaggerating the effects of your poor decisions and are probably also convinced that you're only person in the world who could have been stupid enough to make them!!


Hang on in there, and things will get better.

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You mean you don't regret not marrying him I presume.


OMG YOU'RE RIGHT!! What did I say?!! :help:


Well, you all understand it's certainly not what I meant, right? Thanks for straightning that out. :thumbsup:


AND, he must be trying to save a few bucks by doing his company's website himself. Bad idea. He apparently can't spell to save his life and I can't believe a professional would make mistakes like that. I told you all I was a vindictive cow.

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Way I see it in life you need to be thankful for the misfortunes that were not visited upon you.


I was born in a free and democratic country in a time of war. Spent cold freezing nights in the backyard air raid shelter as a babe in arms


But........ I could have been born as a Jewish child in Nazi occupied Europe



We never had much money when I was a kid but we had shelter, food and clothing


But...... I could have grown up in a third world country living in a tin and cardboard shack and scoring rubbish tips for stuff to live on


I spent a year in harms way in another war


But...... I wasnt KIA and returned with two arms and two legs unlike so many other unfortunates


I was two days away from death just over 3 years ago due to an intestinal blockage. It had all the symptoms of stomach flu but I had a build up of fluid that almost reached my lungs and threw my heart rythm out of whack.

Spent 9 days in hospital being pumped out and going through surgery to remove the blockage


But.... I didnt die and returned home in sound health once again


I'm retired now after many years in construction with an achy body from years of clambering over building frameworks and climbing scaffolds


But..... I married the best woman in the world and have a family to be proud of


And that's how I see it. My life has been so fortunate compared to so many others

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  • 4 months later...

“Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.” – Hermen Hesse


It seems to me judging from your signature that you confuse holding on with giving up. If you have people around you that love you, then you have treasures in the world that people have died for.


I'm not dismissing your pain but there are many trials in life that we have to move forward with and overcome. Some of them quite painful and some, most unexpected. We in turn, are expected to soldier on and we do so because we know that it can't always be like this and there has to be a better day ahead tomorrow.


In time, you will shrug off your depression and look back with a smile on your face that you came through a battle and won the war and you will be a bigger and stronger person for it. Life is full of tests, it takes its toll and at the same time, you don't really want to lose it for fear of what you will miss. Namely, the people you love.


Things will always get better. Its up to you to make the change and change your surroundings. You have to help yourself first before you bore an internet forum on a problem everyone of us have to live with every day to get some sympathy.


My best advice is: grow up.

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“Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.” – Hermen Hesse


It seems to me judging from your signature that you confuse holding on with giving up. If you have people around you that love you, then you have treasures in the world that people have died for.


I'm not dismissing your pain but there are many trials in life that we have to move forward with and overcome. Some of them quite painful and some, most unexpected. We in turn, are expected to soldier on and we do so because we know that it can't always be like this and there has to be a better day ahead tomorrow.


In time, you will shrug off your depression and look back with a smile on your face that you came through a battle and won the war and you will be a bigger and stronger person for it. Life is full of tests, it takes its toll and at the same time, you don't really want to lose it for fear of what you will miss. Namely, the people you love.


Things will always get better. Its up to you to make the change and change your surroundings. You have to help yourself first before you bore an internet forum on a problem everyone of us have to live with every day to get some sympathy.


My best advice is: grow up.


Don't know who you are but you sound like a Bast... to me

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“Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.” – Hermen Hesse


It seems to me judging from your signature that you confuse holding on with giving up. If you have people around you that love you, then you have treasures in the world that people have died for.


I'm not dismissing your pain but there are many trials in life that we have to move forward with and overcome. Some of them quite painful and some, most unexpected. We in turn, are expected to soldier on and we do so because we know that it can't always be like this and there has to be a better day ahead tomorrow.


In time, you will shrug off your depression and look back with a smile on your face that you came through a battle and won the war and you will be a bigger and stronger person for it. Life is full of tests, it takes its toll and at the same time, you don't really want to lose it for fear of what you will miss. Namely, the people you love.


Things will always get better. Its up to you to make the change and change your surroundings. You have to help yourself first before you bore an internet forum on a problem everyone of us have to live with every day to get some sympathy.


My best advice is: grow up.



What very few problems I have in my life I keep to myself and I'm not much good at providing comfort to people I've never met but did you really have to post this?

In the absence of a kind word or two silence is the best alternative

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