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15000 Shelf stacking apprenticeships, government jobs plan

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This is insane.


15000 apprenticeships at ASDA. (Apprenticeship pay is £2.50 per hour)


How do you reckon it will work?


Maybe you can get an NVQ 1 in scanning barcodes, an NVQ 2 in shelf stacking and a HND in asking people if they are over 18.


Let us not forget that supermarkets are killing local business, and they do so by supplying goods at a lower unit cost because they use less labour.


Jobs, jobs, jobs can be translated into unemployment and working poverty.

are our kids intelligent enough to stack shelves unsupervised ?

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Only one answer to shops who rip workers off is not to shop there. I spend 50 to £100 a week at Asda but that will end if they start this scheme. I will shop elsewhere and will inform my local store why I am doing it. I hope other people do the same.

We CAN beat them at their own game.

My kids will be going to work there in their **** ASDA T shirts.
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The question is, will there be actual (permanent) jobs at the end of these apprenticeships ?
Since when has that ever mattered ?


The Governments have been sticking folk on training for years with no jobs to go into, its my guess that the practice has been used to show favourable unemployment statistics.

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Let us not forget that supermarkets are killing local business, and they do so by supplying goods at a lower unit cost because they use less labour.

They succeed because people choose to shop there.


The general public has all the power, but instead of using it they'd rather just complain.

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  • 3 years later...

I'm genuinely torn by this.


On the one hand the term 'apprenticeship' conjures up a rosy image of someone learning a highly skilled job for a number of years, under the watchful eye of a master craftsman (patternmakers, engineers and the like), and often having a day release at a technical college.

However a lot of modern apprenticeships are nothing of the sort. It has been found that many apprenticeships are simply 12 week training courses with no jobs at the end of them.

Now if these training schemes at Poundland or supermarkets (for shelf stackers) are for people with learning difficulties, who are starting from an extremely low base, all well and good, let's call them apprenticeships. If, however, they are simply a way of massaging people off the unemployment register, or 'train to gain' schemes, then they should be labelled as such.

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the Supermarkets,advertise jobs abroad and only there,they pay for the travel and sort housing needs here for the immigrants they employ.

They fill their warehouses,offices and other jobs with immigrants to a degree of about 80% or more immigrants.

Then the British folk here trying desperatly to get a job they can actually live on,get forced to take jobs paying £2.50 an hour? for the same Supermarkets working at the side of immigrants on far far more money?

Is someone playing a joke on the British or what?


and no i dont think cameroon has the intelligence to put this together its come from the EU who seem to be heavily backing the American Walmart Co.

I see a furure not so far away when we will be controlled by a man we dont elect and cant get rid of and but all our goods from one supplier only,but dont think about moaning about it,because if you mention it to your friends,theyll be tracking you and come and deal with you.

funny to some ,but were already edging closer to the reality.

The real bang is were told,we live in a democracy,yet we have no powers left to be democratic with.


---------- Post added 20-01-2015 at 19:20 ----------


I guess they went off that idea,all the links draw a blank lol.

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