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15000 Shelf stacking apprenticeships, government jobs plan

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Only one answer to shops who rip workers off is not to shop there. I spend 50 to £100 a week at Asda but that will end if they start this scheme. I will shop elsewhere and will inform my local store why I am doing it. I hope other people do the same.

We CAN beat them at their own game.

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OK, show us the alternative. Open a shop which employs people at £18 an hour , run it at a profit and give everybody who wants one a job.


You'll probably have to charge £3 for a loaf and £2 for a can of baked beans, but no doubt your customers will be happy to pay that.




What dole? If nobody is making any money; if nobody is prepared to go to work (even for a pittance) where do you think the government is going to get the money to pay dole? Are there any dole trees near where you live?




And why not?


Is somebody else expected to work for them?


Milliband said today: "Tax the Bankers!"


Why not? (When he was working for the Lying Scotsman, he could've told you exactly why not ... but he's no longer interested in the facts.)


Unfortunately, the Bankers (**** be unto them) make the Lion's share of the money coming into the economy. Tax them hard enough and - even beforethe pips begin to squeak - they will move elsewhere. (How hard is it to move an office? What do you need? A big glass building, a bunch of desks and a load of phone lines. Is there anywhere else in the world you could get that? You don't even need to pay 'relocation packages'for the people. I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that there is no shortage of dinky-style plonkers in India or China (to name but 2 places) who would be prepared to work for half of what the people in Laaahnun get paid. They probably wouldn't do any worse, either.


So the banks go. The South East is no longer earning the money which the government sends North, and council cuts get serious.


What are you going to do now, Chem1st?


Are you prepared to work for your dole money, or would you prefer to starve?


We do have a minimum wage in place, why is the goverment doing this to have cheap labour

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We do have a minimum wage in place, why is the goverment doing this to have cheap labour


Yes, there is a minimum wage. If I need somebody who has minimum skill and minimum motivation, I will offer him a job at minimum wage. I'll probably have a wide choice of applicants. There is, unfortunately, no shortae of minimally-skilled poorly motivated 'workers'.


If I need somebody who is prepared to think for himself, work hard and make money for me (and for him) I will pay him at a higher rate.


I won't throw the money at anybody. I'll hire the person who I think can do the job.


If you're that person and I'm hiring, you're in with a chance. if you're one of the people who thinks the world owes him a job, go and ask the world to give you one. Don't bother me - I'm not interested in hiring wasters.

Edited by Rupert_Baehr
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OK, show us the alternative. Open a shop which employs people at £18 an hour , run it at a profit and give everybody who wants one a job.


You'll probably have to charge £3 for a loaf and £2 for a can of baked beans, but no doubt your customers will be happy to pay that.




What dole? If nobody is making any money; if nobody is prepared to go to work (even for a pittance) where do you think the government is going to get the money to pay dole? Are there any dole trees near where you live?




And why not?


Is somebody else expected to work for them?


Milliband said today: "Tax the Bankers!"


Why not? (When he was working for the Lying Scotsman, he could've told you exactly why not ... but he's no longer interested in the facts.)


Unfortunately, the Bankers (**** be unto them) make the Lion's share of the money coming into the economy. Tax them hard enough and - even beforethe pips begin to squeak - they will move elsewhere. (How hard is it to move an office? What do you need? A big glass building, a bunch of desks and a load of phone lines. Is there anywhere else in the world you could get that? You don't even need to pay 'relocation packages'for the people. I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that there is no shortage of dinky-style plonkers in India or China (to name but 2 places) who would be prepared to work for half of what the people in Laaahnun get paid. They probably wouldn't do any worse, either.


So the banks go. The South East is no longer earning the money which the government sends North, and council cuts get serious.


What are you going to do now, Chem1st?


Are you prepared to work for your dole money, or would you prefer to starve?


The government print money (FIAT currency), the money supply can be as small or as large as they wish.


It is the relative values which should be of concern to us.


The bankers don't make money, they extract it from the system using a very shady process known as usury. They create no wealth.


These shady money practices may help others create wealth but only based upon debt.


The economy need not be based upon this funny money. And even if it is, then there can be fairer taxation to improve the relative wages of the poorest.

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We turn down a loan for Forgemasters, yet create shelf stacking apprenticeships?


We are fast becoming a second rate service economy.




We dont need a world leading engineering company, but we are desperately short of shelf stackers, didn't you know ???? :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:

I've just pee'd my pants.

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The government print money (FIAT currency), the money supply can be as small or as large as they wish.


It is the relative values which should be of concern to us.


The bankers don't make money, they extract it from the system using a very shady process known as usury. They create no wealth.


These shady money practices may help others create wealth but only based upon debt.


The economy need not be based upon this funny money. And even if it is, then there can be fairer taxation to improve the relative wages of the poorest.


Let's look at it from outside.


The Britsh government prints money.

The British government uses (or wants to use) the money it prints to buy food.

I grow food.

I am not prepared to accept worthless paper for the food you want to buy from me.

I insist on a 'hard' currency (or something of demonstrable value) in exchange for the food you want to buy.


You have two choices: Find something I will accept in exchange for the food or eat the paper your government has printed for you.


There is no inviolable rule which says that another country is obliged to accept worthless money. Even if it is printed by HMG.

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OK, show us the alternative. Open a shop which employs people at £18 an hour , run it at a profit and give everybody who wants one a job.



How did you jump from £2.50 and hour to £18 an hour? There is middle ground you know (like current min wage).

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Let's look at it from outside.


The Britsh government prints money.

The British government uses (or wants to use) the money it prints to buy food.

I grow food.

I am not prepared to accept worthless paper for the food you want to buy from me.

I insist on a 'hard' currency (or something of demonstrable value) in exchange for the food you want to buy.


You have two choices: Find something I will accept in exchange for the food or eat the paper your government has printed for you.


There is no inviolable rule which says that another country is obliged to accept worthless money. Even if it is printed by HMG.




However, the use of this government money to subsidise foreign business and pay people below the market rate for a job, (which will subsequently damage other business), a job which (at current minimum wage) already creates profit for the foreign business in the region of £5000 per employee per year serves no useful purpose whatsoever.


This is all about subsidising big business with cheap labour and public taxation, at the expense of the living standards of the public.

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