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15000 Shelf stacking apprenticeships, government jobs plan

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Having read the article I don't think there is anything for either side to argue about to be honest because there are serious concerns and no-one has stated what these apprenticeships exactly would be, so it's just as silly to be in favour of them on the strength of the article.


Whilst there COULD be additional training in aspects of store management, stock control, warehousing and the like, there COULD just as easily be a bunch of low-paid low-skilled YTS kids leaving when they get too old with little benefit for their work at below minimum wage, and kicked out just because they've been there too long, or happened to have a genuine long-term (say 6 week) illness with no rights as they aren't workers and the "employer" was only "doing them a favour"


My own feelings from having been around at the tail end of YTS is that it is quite likely to be shop-floor menial work with little or no training in anything

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These are jobs, that will be created by the private sector over the next few years.


Not in the case of Asda, which is what I'm commenting on. The deal with Morrisons is the best one (they're creating jobs in their manufacturing devision - not a load of non-apprenticeships that are sponsored by the govt.


They may well be taught stock taking, buying, marketing, management you just don't know and neither does anyone else on this thread


You don't need to have an "apprenticeship" (trainee would be more applicable in most cases).


In fact, I feel that the word "apprentice/ship" has taken on a totally new meaning since Sugar has had his TV show.


so why the anger?


My "anger" is directed at the misuse of the word "apprentice".

Edited by sccsux
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Not in the case of Asda, which is what I'm commenting on. The deal with Morrisons is the best one (they're creating jobs in their manufacturing devision - not a load of non-apprenticeships that are sponsored by the govt.




You don't need to have an "apprenticeship" (trainee would be more applicable in most cases).


In fact, I feel that the word "apprentice/ship" has taken on a totally new meaning sine Sugar has had his TV show.




My "anger" is directed at the misuse of the word "apprentice".


Do you think the UK would be better off if Asda and Co-Op didn't create these apprenticeships?

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Do you think the UK would be better off if Asda and Co-Op didn't create these apprenticeships?


Call them by their proper name, and I wouldn't. These won't be proper apprenticeships as anyone of my generation will be able to attest to.

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But it's not for your generation.


Indeed. It's for our children's. And I would hope for a lot better for them than false apprenticeships.


As an aside, if Asda needs these people, why not take them on as trainees (as was usual until a few months ago) and pay them the going rate? Answer? Because all this is, is a rebadged "YOPS/YTS" which offer nothing other than reducing unemployment figures - this tactic has been employed before.

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Indeed. It's for our children's. And I would hope for a lot better for them than false apprenticeships.


As an aside, if Asda needs these people, why not take them on as trainees (as was usual until a few months ago) and pay them the going rate? Answer? Because all this is, is a rebadged "YOPS/YTS" which offer nothing other than reducing unemployment figures - this tactic has been employed before.


Well if you don't want you're kids working there, don't let them. If you'd rather they work elsewhere, good for you. Would you rather they became a dole scrounger instead of taking any of these apprenticeships though?

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