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BNP Candidate evicted from hustings meeting

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Should a NATIONAL Government not be Nationalistic?


That depends upon how isolationist you want your Government to be.


Getting the balance is tricky. I wouldn't say that North Korea had a particularly effective Government, would you?


On the whole, isolationism is a bad idea. So the answer to your question is "no".

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There you go, exemplifying my point.


You're calling a legitimate political party "evil" and ludicrously comparing tolerance of their views - to which they are perfectly entitled - with tolerating rape and murder.


I despair at times.

Do you think the stated aim of the BNP to remove all none whites from these isles can be achieved without murder?

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Racism is evil.


Do you think hating people on the grounds of thier skin colour, or where they were born is a good thing?

Evil? You're being a drama queen.


People have a right to their views - including their likes and dislikes. I don't like muggers, drug dealers or rapists. I'm also not too keen on chavs, or anybody who throws their tab ends out of their car windows. My views and preferences are mine.


Somebody else might not like black people, or pink people. That, too, is their view which they have a right to hold as long as they do not allow that view to make them do something illegal. I strongly suspect that any dislike BNP members have for people of different ethnic groups might pale into insignificance compared to the bitter, vitriolic hatred for the BNP that you and some others on SF openly express.


Does your hatred make you evil? Or is it ok, because you make the rules up on what you want to call ‘evil’?



I really, really don't like rap music. From now on, can I assume that rappers are evil?

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That depends upon how isolationist you want your Government to be.


Getting the balance is tricky. I wouldn't say that North Korea had a particularly effective Government, would you?


On the whole, isolationism is a bad idea. So the answer to your question is "no".


Not particularly effective eh imperialist running dog? Well, who just got new glass bottle factory? Yes that's right us North Koreans. So stick that shining fruition of the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance in your yankee lapdog pipe and smoke it hans brix!

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Eitherway, he should not have been ejected from that meeting!!!


FACIST springs to mind :rolleyes:


Hmmmm i agree but it also springs to mind with other parties too :)


They cannot potray themselves as democratic then go out of their way to silence someone who does not agree with them.


You clearly haven't read the story, have you? :roll:


It was not a political party that 'ejected' them it was the police. And even they were not acting on behalf of a political party but a community association who organised the meeting.


He was not the only candidate who wasn't invited but one of five fringe parties of the ten that were standing in Oldham. The community association decided that it couldn't accomodate all ten candidates so it invited the three main parties along with UKIP and the Green Party (who have elected representatives on the local council)


It was their meeting and they were under no obligation to invite all the candidates.


So not only was the BNP candidate not invited, he turned up, sat in one of the chairs set up for the five invited candidates and refused to move. When he was asked to leave he refused, the numbnuts who were there to support him started shouting the odds and when the Conservative candidate was called a 'fat ****', the organisers decided to call the police and have the BNP candidate removed.


Nothing to do with democracy and free speech and everything to do with trying to run an ordered meeting and protecting those attending from having to put up with racism and disruption.


Let's not forget that in the early 1930's a commonly used tactic of the German Nazi Party was to attend political meetings and disrupt them.


John X

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Are you seriously suggesting that the BNP candidate has any change whatsoever of being elected in Oldham? :loopy:


John X


I'm suggesting that, in the interests of democracy and fair play, every candidate should have been invited to the hustings on an equal basis. BUT, if the organisers wanted to invite only those parties with the largest share of the vote, then the BNP should have been included as it has more electoral support in Oldham East and Saddleworth than either UKIP or the Greens.

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It simply isn't achievable, but do you really think that's their wish -to murder all non-whites?




You say you think it isn't achievable - do you think it's desirable?


Some of them would certainly be happy to kill all the non whites.

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I'm suggesting that, in the interests of democracy and fair play, every candidate should have been invited to the hustings on an equal basis. BUT, if the organisers wanted to invite only those parties with the largest share of the vote, then the BNP should have been included as it has more electoral support in Oldham East and Saddleworth than either UKIP or the Greens.


Do you think the BNP man behaved in an acceptable fashion?


He wasn't invited to speak, but got onto the platform and refused to leave.

Is that reasonable and acceptable behaviour?

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