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BNP Candidate evicted from hustings meeting

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So the BNP are a pointless organisation if their intended means of satisfying their objective is NOT by murder??
Again I repeat the question no one is prepared to answer, how would the satisfying of the objective be achieved without murder? Why live in denial of what these hatemongers are capable of?
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Do you believe that the Capitalist Bankster Elite has the right to impose Mass Immigration on the Electorate


I love it when BNP apologists come over all pro-working class and anti-capitalist.


Read your sodding history (particularly early C20th Germany, Spain and Italy and the links between fascism and capital) before making ridiculous statements like that! :roll:


John X

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Again I repeat the question no one is prepared to answer, how would the satisfying of the objective be achieved without murder? Why live in denial of what these hatemongers are capable of?


Well given that you are obviously without either imagination or analytical capabilities consider the following.


1 Stop the rot, no further mass immigration.


2 Bribery, offer generous resettlement grants to those willing and able to take them.


3 Anyone convicted of a crime and eligible for deportation to be deported.

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Well given that you are obviously without either imagination or analytical capabilities consider the following.


1 Stop the rot, no further mass immigration.


2 Bribery, offer generous resettlement grants to those willing and able to take them.


3 Anyone convicted of a crime and eligible for deportation to be deported.


Is that a tacit admission that black and brown people are lesser human beings than white ones?

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Is that a tacit admission that black and brown people are lesser human beings than white ones?


Don't be ridiculous. I want economic migration of non skilled workers into this country stopped, but its got nothing to with any superiority thing.

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Don't be ridiculous. I want economic migration of non skilled workers into this country stopped, but its got nothing to with any superiority thing.


It was a question directed specifically at BritPat, who spoke of bribing blacks and brown people to leave.

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I love it when BNP apologists come over all pro-working class and anti-capitalist.


Read your sodding history (particularly early C20th Germany, Spain and Italy and the links between fascism and capital) before making ridiculous statements like that! :roll:


John X


Read your sodding history, the corrupt LibLabCon Banksters that started the Mass Immigration into the UK in the 40's were by definition the same Governments that held 1/4 of the globe in British Imperial Pink.


Do you really suppose that those acting on behalf of Capital by seizing 1/4 of the Globe had nice warm feelings for the 'Poor wretched darkies' and therefore invited them to settle in Mother England?


Of course not resources were seized and then an excess of Labour was imported from the 'Foreign Possessions' in order to drive down Pay and Conditions here.

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Well given that you are obviously without either imagination or analytical capabilities consider the following.


1 Stop the rot, no further mass immigration.


2 Bribery, offer generous resettlement grants to those willing and able to take them.


3 Anyone convicted of a crime and eligible for deportation to be deported.

Right that'll sort the ten percent or whatever tiny percentage fits into that convicted category. The vast majority of those you see around you would still have no where to go and would still be brown and still be Muslim or Sikh or whatever, so what would you do to them when they stick a finger at your bribery?
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