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BNP Candidate evicted from hustings meeting

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Oh god what have i gone and done now ? !! :blush:


Of course non white people can be British. Being British is how you are and behave. I don't consider things like Islam, Mosques and synagogues etc, British or part of British culture.

Of course you don't because they are Middle East based religions as opposed to Christianity which is errr Mid-Eastern:) Not very bright that is it?
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Oh god what have i gone and done now ? !! :blush:


Of course non white people can be British. Being British is how you are and behave. I don't consider things like Islam, Mosques and synagogues etc, British or part of British culture.



But you answered 'to preserve Britishness' when asked why you don't want black and brown people to live here. You seem confused.

So who exactly is it you want to leave the country? Jews and Muslims?



What's your problem with Jews?

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the historically unprecedented waves of migration to the UK.


First BritPat then you!


Do any of you BNP/EDL apologists ever read anything other than your own propaganda.


If you are really interested in the social and political heritage of this island, read some history and politics and stop listening to bigotted idiots who always seem to conveniently make the 'facts' fit the predjudice! :loopy:


John X

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Why don't you want black and brown people to live here?


I do want them to live here. I want them to integrate into society and to lead full, rich lives. Unfortunately mass immigration threatens this desirable situation.


Because as society becomes ever more diverse, ever more crowded, then the infrastructure and resources (housing, health care, education, employment opportunities etc) are stretched to breaking. The stability and social cohesion of such a society is threatened.


Is this really what you want?

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Nobody can blame somebody for attempting to improve their quality of life, their standard of living. And if they have to travel across continents to do just that, then they will. This is human nature.


The BNP believes that the political class, primarily the three main parties, are responsible for encouraging the historically unprecedented waves of migration to the UK. They did this for two reasons - to satisfy the bosses in their 'race to the bottom' for relatively cheap labour, and to secure the votes of the settled immigrants.


As for 'blaming' people for having a dark skin - this is just hysterical nonsense. The BNP opposes large numbers of Polish and other Eastern European migrants coming to the UK. These people have a white skin. To oppose mass immigration is not racist - its a natural reaction to capitalist exploitation.


did the vikings and saxons etc get brought over as cheap labour by the capitalist bosses in their quest to lower wages?

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Of course you don't because they are Middle East based religions as opposed to Christianity which is errr Mid-Eastern:) Not very bright that is it?


Ha, i hear what you're saying, but Christianity is, and has been for a long time the accepted mainstream religion of this country.

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Do you want to get more black and brown people into the country?
You would do well to stop digging and if you genuinely want to oppose immigration then talk in terms of stopping more people coming here if not needed, more of us may even agree with you. Why the hangup on colour, what is your problem with colour of someone else's skin?
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