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BNP Candidate evicted from hustings meeting

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But you answered 'to preserve Britishness' when asked why you don't want black and brown people to live here. You seem confused.

So who exactly is it you want to leave the country? Jews and Muslims?



What's your problem with Jews?


I dont have a "problem" with Muslims and jews, im just saying that Islam and Judaism are not British or part of British culture.

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Ha, i hear what you're saying, but Christianity is, and has been for a long time the accepted mainstream religion of this country.
This country is not exactly the Vatican now is it and it is one of core principles of this country to have freedom of religion. That is an intrinsic British value, maybe you wish that to be changed but so far my view is that countries don't have religions but people practice different religions. Which religions would you ban in this free society?
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You said it!




So how on earth will removing non-white people 'preserve Britishness'? :confused:


John X


especially removing the "british" ones, who were born here, raised here, only know here, and could be more british than him himself :hihi:

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I dont have a "problem" with Muslims and jews, im just saying that Islam and Judaism are not British or part of British culture.

to BRITISH muslims and jews they are, and if you didnt notice they both came from the same area as christianity, just so happens WE latched onto that not the others.


god rest those muslims and jews that died fighting to save "britain" from the nazis for YOU

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This country is not exactly the Vatican now is it and it is one of core principles of this country to have freedom of religion. That is an intrinsic British value, maybe you wish that to be changed but so far my view is that countries don't have religions but people practice different religions. Which religions would you ban in this free society?


I believe in religious freedom, but dont call Islam, burkas, Mosques, Judaism and so on "British" just becuase these things are present in this country.

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what is your problem with colour of someone else's skin?


Funny how I have openly called him a racist and he has neither denied it nor reported me to the moderators?


Come on BritPat! Tell me how you saying black and dark-skinned people who won't be forced or bribed into leaving the UK will 'literally have to be tolerated', is not a racist thing to say?


John X

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First BritPat then you!


Do any of you BNP/EDL apologists ever read anything other than your own propaganda.


If you are really interested in the social and political heritage of this island, read some history and politics and stop listening to bigotted idiots who always seem to conveniently make the 'facts' fit the predjudice! :loopy:


John X


You should take your own advice. Given that the Imperialist Bankster Capitalists of the 40's were by definition the very same Governments that started Mass Immigration as a variation on a theme, First recruit young British Men to Conquer and Plunder 1/4 of the globe and then Import the poor and hungry from the conquered lands to drive down the Pay and Conditions of the British Cannon Fodder when they returned home to find a job !!!


To add insult to injury the worker then pays more in taxes to support the excess labour held in reserve on the dole.


LibLabCon Banksters have always sacrificed British Men for Capitalism and Zionism and then promptly rewards them on their return with the dole alcoholism homelessness and prison.


Please John X Politics guru tell us about the Social and Political heritage of these Islands ?

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