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Government to take no action on banker's bonuses

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It's business as usual for the banking sector who brought financial disaster on this country - despite all the Tories' and LibDems' talk on curbing the excesses of the investment banking industry, they've now decided that there should be no controls at all on banker's bonuses (paid for in many cases with our money) http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2011/jan/10/banks-unlimited-bonuses-ministers


This at a time when most people in the country are seeing real decreases in their standard of living and services to the most needy are being cut. Absolutely disgusting. Apparently personal responsibility is outmoded; you can take massive risks with money in pursuit of your own financial gain and when that goes wrong expect to be bailed out by the taxpayer AND keep getting paid huge amounts of money while the government makes everyone else pay the price.


This is the government + the banks vs. the people. The people are justified in taking direct action against the government and the banks.

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Those that had nothing to do with the crises are the ones paying for it, while the perpetrators get away scot free. That said I never expected the Tories to unduly burden their core supporters.


We can add it to the list of other broken promises:



Top Up Fees

Control orders

and now Bonuses

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