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32 months for student who chucked the fire extinguisher.

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In the examples I gave, they received no penalty whatsoever.


so presumably they were either found not guilty at a trial, or they were let off with a light sentence due to mitigating circumstances, or they got away with it.


What has any of that got to do with this?


If this puts the next student off hurling dangerous objects during a "peaceful protest" then its worth it is it not? The public need protection from the people that do this kind of thing.

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Yes it does.


This mysterious case of a hurt child and cannabis you keep banging on about clearly doesn't.


no it doesn't - the original story that was posted as a link doesn't discuss drunk drivers or the cases you posted in this thread.

The story i posted has direct relevance to the posts made in this comparing inequality of sentencing and behaviour.

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willman, what on earth are you talking about?


Drug testing is common for drivers after a RTC, you haven't posted a link to any story so I have no idea what you are talking about when you keep banging on about a child's death and cannabis which has nothing to do with the subject!


With respect , you are the one who brought drivers into this debate , a debate which has NOTHING to do with motorists/ drivers .


This is a debate about the idiot who endangered lives by deliberately throwing a fire extinguisher off a roof into a crowd of people below, and the merits of his sentence.


How you can make any link what so ever between these issues is amazing.

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