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Dagnam Road Sheffield 2, History


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We Have lived on Dagnam Road for about 10 years, and i am very interested in the social history of the area that i now call home. Up to now i have spoken to a few people who have told me that the house that i live in has had 2 people pass away, 1 in the living room, & 1 in the bedroom. I have also managed to speak to one of the original builders of the property that i now reside, who was shocked to see that very little had been done to the property that was built in 1936, only in the last year or so has any refurbishment work been carried out. Personally i love the place, with newer families moving in all the time i wondered if people had an interest as to the people who may have lived there previously, & will there be any skeletons unearthed in the old cupboards.

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Hi hotrock - well, I hope you don't find any skeletons :o but in case it's of interest, here is a scan from the Kelly's directory for 1942 showing who lived on Dagnam Road then. Some of your older neighbours might remember a few names. I have a few more directories etc. - if you PM me your address I'll see if I can unearth anything about previous occupants.

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I was born on Dagnam Road in the 60's ( mum couldnt get to hospital in time) Used to play on Edenhall & the school field until moving in 1971 ... loved the area, though its changed a bit since.


i bet that you wouldn't play on Edenhall road now, given its reputation, lol

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Guest makapaka

My nan and grandad have lived on edenhall for 40 odd years.


I call up to see them but obviously don't know what its like there all the time.


Is it really that bad? What are the problems?

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My nan and grandad have lived on edenhall for 40 odd years.


I call up to see them but obviously don't know what its like there all the time.


Is it really that bad? What are the problems?


It is getting better, due to CCTV going up on the gennels, but it was likened to Beirut not so long ago, delivery vans refused to go there due to thefts, many of the money lenders IE provident, refused to go anywhere near it.

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  • 3 years later...

my mate lives on your road and he's been there 30 odd years,a very well know villian lived next door to him and was often getting visits from plod...one night my friend heard a lot of banging coming from upstairs...then foot steps comin down the stairs...his living room door opened and there stood the said "bad lad" oreyt jack he said...ive just knocked a hole through up in loft just incase i need to get away a bit sharpish ....my mate just nodded wide mouthed as the bad lad exited the front door



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