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Dagnam Road Sheffield 2, History


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We Have lived on Dagnam Road for about 10 years, and i am very interested in the social history of the area that i now call home. Up to now i have spoken to a few people who have told me that the house that i live in has had 2 people pass away, 1 in the living room, & 1 in the bedroom. I have also managed to speak to one of the original builders of the property that i now reside, who was shocked to see that very little had been done to the property that was built in 1936, only in the last year or so has any refurbishment work been carried out. Personally i love the place, with newer families moving in all the time i wondered if people had an interest as to the people who may have lived there previously, & will there be any skeletons unearthed in the old cupboards.



This is really strange!


Yesterday I was thinking how long ago it was since my uncle (Henry Jenkinson) past away. Then I saw this thread.


Not sure exactly when he passed away, but I reckon about 25 years ago.


He died at home on Dagnam Road and I think my other uncle "Stuart Gray" found him in the living room still upright in his chair. (massive heart-attack)


My uncle Henry was a big powerful man. I think his nickname may have been Garth.


I know he used to work on the bins and I think scrap/skip lorrys? I also know Dennis Hobson senior was one of his friends.

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This is really strange!


Yesterday I was thinking how long ago it was since my uncle (Henry Jenkinson) past away. Then I saw this thread.


Not sure exactly when he passed away, but I reckon about 25 years ago.


He died at home on Dagnam Road and I think my other uncle "Stuart Gray" found him in the living room still upright in his chair. (massive heart-attack)


My uncle Henry was a big powerful man. I think his nickname may have been Garth.


I know he used to work on the bins and I think scrap/skip lorrys? I also know Dennis Hobson senior was one of his friends.


I doubt that I live in your Uncles old house, as the gent who passed away whilst sat in his chair in the front room passed around 2001, the only name I can remember is that he was called Malcom, I am still researching, as I find it eerily interesting


---------- Post added 11-02-2014 at 20:37 ----------


my mate lives on your road and he's been there 30 odd years,a very well know villian lived next door to him and was often getting visits from plod...one night my friend heard a lot of banging coming from upstairs...then foot steps comin down the stairs...his living room door opened and there stood the said "bad lad" oreyt jack he said...ive just knocked a hole through up in loft just incase i need to get away a bit sharpish ....my mate just nodded wide mouthed as the bad lad exited the front door




That sounds just like a character I know very well indeed, :hihi::hihi:

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I doubt that I live in your Uncles old house, as the gent who passed away whilst sat in his chair in the front room passed around 2001, the only name I can remember is that he was called Malcom, I am still researching, as I find it eerily interesting


I will try and find out the house number.


Probably a million miles off, but the numbers between 80-90+ are rattling around my daft head??


Maybe someone else on here knew my uncle around the 80s off Dagnam Road?

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  • 1 year later...
I will try and find out the house number.


Probably a million miles off, but the numbers between 80-90+ are rattling around my daft head??


Maybe someone else on here knew my uncle around the 80s off Dagnam Road?

I knew Henry very well he lived at 105 dagnam rd I knew most of yr family reg, rita had a daughter can't remember her name but the son was called neil I knew Henry's mother she lived on Westbury St off Stainforth rd


---------- Post added 17-11-2015 at 19:37 ----------


I knew Henry very well he lived at 105 dagnam rd I knew most of yr family reg, rita had a daughter can't remember her name but the son was called neil I knew Henry's mother she lived on Westbury St off Stainforth rd

Just remembered rita,s daughter name I'm almost certain it was Marie they lived in think it was Kimberworth nr rotherham me and Henry used to go to rita,s quite a lot can't remember Henry's sister's name but used to see her when she used to come to Henry's mother she lived at 36 Westbury St this has brought memories back he did work on the buns but before that he worked for metal &plant nr Tinsley he was known as garth cause he was built like a tank and frightened of nothing and no one I have lots of stories we had some good times


---------- Post added 17-11-2015 at 19:48 ----------


I knew Henry very well he lived at 105 dagnam rd I knew most of yr family reg, rita had a daughter can't remember her name but the son was called neil I knew Henry's mother she lived on Westbury St off Stainforth rd

Just remembered rita,s daughter name I'm almost certain it was Marie they lived in think it was Kimberworth nr rotherham me and Henry used to go to rita,s quite a lot can't remember Henry's sister's name but used to see her when she used to come to Henry's mother she lived at 36 Westbury St this has brought memories back he did work on the buns but before that he worked for metal &plant nr Tinsley he was known as garth cause he was built like a tank and frightened of nothing and no one I have lots of stories we had some good times

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I knew Henry very well he lived at 105 dagnam rd I knew most of yr family reg, rita had a daughter can't remember her name but the son was called neil I knew Henry's mother she lived on Westbury St off Stainforth rd



My grandparents lived at number 105 for years, Grandfather was called John Henry Rollins, Grandma was called Flo, They both passed away years ago though..





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enjoyed reading this.My name is Neil and Henry was My Uncle.I hope popsi3 can tell me a few tales about Henry.I heard he was a tough guy.I remember he used to come to My Mums(Rita).He parked his lorry there and used to sit in our kitchen.His hands were massive and he swore alot bit I liked him.

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Hi Neil I used to come to yr mums as well with Henry u were just a baby a very big baby u were ginormous how's yr mum hope she's well and yr sister Marie you used to live at Kimberworth nr rotherham think yr dad was called David but not sure .I lived with Henry for a few yrs then went to Birmingham but always called to see Henry when I was in sheffield visiting my family he'd got married to a girl called Carmen , she left him for another bloke so he was on his own he came down to Birmingham for a few days with me and stayed then he went back carried on visiting him when I was up that way the last time I went was told he had died was so upset he was a diamond great bloke I'd love to know where he's buried as I'd go and pay my respects he was a good friend I'm living back in sheffield now if you need to know anything just drop me a line.x

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