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£2000 bounty on illegal immigrants, cash in.

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I work at a place employing over a well over 1,000 people about 800 of them are not uk residents just the ones that the public SEE are!And this is the case at any big supermarket and many many other large companies.They are hidden away so the public dont get too upset when they see just how many jobs are NOT available to uk residents.

Companies are being leaned on and many incentives put in place.Of course many immigrants dont have £150,000 mortgages to pay either so they can afford to work for lower money as they are sending most of it 'Home' anyway.

The myth they are just doing low end jobs is just that MYTH!

When you employ foriegn speaking workers,then you have to employ managers that speak the lingo etc etc etc before you know it theres no english left.I know its cos all uk residents are lazy :rolleyes:

Now you'll be earmarked you'l be racist, fascist, Islamaphobe, right winger.

What you must remember is don't tell it as it is.

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Now you'll be earmarked you'l be racist, fascist, Islamaphobe, right winger.

What you must remember is don't tell it as it is.


the employment problem and immigration affects everyone. don't see why he'd be labeled right wing etc especially not why he'd be called islamophobe.

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a bounty on the heads of illegal immigrants is being bounced around. whats your opinion?

im all for it, it would create alot of employment.



I think we should make all the illegal immigrants from Afghanistan and Iraq who have crossed over from France legal and also give them decent jobs. This would be one way Britain could try to make up for the death and destruction it has caused in Afghanistan and Iraq. Alot of places that employ illegals are restaurants, takeaways, butchers ect. These jobs can't easily be done by most English people so most of these business's rely on community people and increasingly young working age people from these communities are second and third generation and have gone into mainstream employment so these business's rely on people from overseas.

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I think we should make all the illegal immigrants from Afghanistan and Iraq who have crossed over from France legal and also give them decent jobs. This would be one way Britain could try to make up for the death and destruction it has caused in Afghanistan and Iraq. Alot of places that employ illegals are restaurants, takeaways, butchers ect. These jobs can't easily be done by most English people so most of these business's rely on community people and increasingly young working age people from these communities are second and third generation and have gone into mainstream employment so these business's rely on people from overseas.
My bold= what a silly racist comment.
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Who says they are barred from applying?They can apply but they wont get them,bit of a lauguage barrier.


Ive already given you an example,have a look in any large wharehouse.No you cant, because the public have no access and thats very very handy.

or look in the local food processing factories,theres a couple in sheffield
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language barrier for English people born here? why has it gotten to a situation when so many foreigners filled these jobs yet there were so many unemployed natives that could have done them had they wanted.


like you said, people do jobs they're suitable for. you can't put people with no language skills to deal with the public. so you put them where they're suitable. but even that had to be ignored when the NHS was near enough running out of nurses and foreigners had to be brought in. can't say it was coz the NHS pays peanuts under the legal minimum.


WTF are you on about?


Are you saying the uk residents are not capable of being trained to do a job,or are you saying foreign countries are better at it?


Wouldnt common sense state that if you have a shortage of labour in one area such as the NHS as you quoted, then why would you not put resources into that training rather than turning your back on your own and employing staff from other countries with dodgy paperwork or paperwork gained courtisy of the UK tax payer in this countrys places of learning.

That to me is a failing of our leaders not the failing of UK residents yet its the millions of uk residents piled on the dole with few options available and at the same time left wishing they were foreign so that they could have the SAME oppertunaties as the migrant workers who are being entised here to work and employers FORCED to take them on.

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WTF are you on about?


Are you saying the uk residents are not capable of being trained to do a job,or are you saying foreign countries are better at it?


Wouldnt common sense state that if you have a shortage of labour in one area such as the NHS as you quoted, then why would you not put resources into that training rather than turning your back on your own and employing staff from other countries with dodgy paperwork or paperwork gained courtisy of the UK tax payer in this countrys places of learning.

That to me is a failing of our leaders not the failing of UK residents yet its the millions of uk residents piled on the dole with few options available and at the same time left wishing they were foreign so that they could have the SAME oppertunaties as the migrant workers who are being entised here to work and employers FORCED to take them on.


Are you saying the uk residents are not capable of being trained to do a job,or are you saying foreign countries are better at it?

not saying that at all. do you not wonder why, when the minimum wage is respected(supermarket warehouses etc) it got to a situation where more and more foreign people were taken on? why, with all the training the job center offers, incentives to work etc there's still so many healthy people unemployed?

Wouldnt common sense state that if you have a shortage of labour in one area such as the NHS as you quoted, then why would you not put resources into that training rather than turning your back on your own and employing staff from other countries with dodgy paperwork or paperwork gained courtisy of the UK tax payer in this countrys places of learning.

they did this. nursing student don't pay, they are paid bursaries to study. they introduced fast track degrees and diplomas, on the job training, access diplomas for those without the right qualifications, child care payments for students who wanted to do it. there were a lot of takers, but mostly from people who'd have done it anyway. just simply not enough. again, why, when there are people unemployed, or with no qualifications but the means to attain them?

UK residents yet its the millions of uk residents piled on the dole

people 'forced' onto the dole? before the crunch? really? there were thousands of jobs at job centers etc yet no takers. people want to be doctors and architects yet they don't have the qualifications for it so see being a nurses aide as beneath them.

nd at the same time left wishing they were foreign so that they could have the SAME oppertunaties as the migrant workers who are being entised here to work and employers FORCED to take them on.

employers forced to take foreigners on? how? a factory needs to run. if no one else will do it, get people who will. foreign worker are only enticed here coz the minimum wage here is more than they'd get back home. nothing else. and this only applies for EU as you don't get a work visa for unskilled work.

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language barrier for English people born here? why has it gotten to a situation when so many foreigners filled these jobs yet there were so many unemployed natives that could have done them had they wanted.


like you said, people do jobs they're suitable for. you can't put people with no language skills to deal with the public. so you put them where they're suitable. but even that had to be ignored when the NHS was near enough running out of nurses and foreigners had to be brought in. can't say it was coz the NHS pays peanuts under the legal minimum.


The reason so many migrants arrived to take jobs such as warehousing is, as I know you know really, that noone else applied... In the UK we have created generations of slackers that we pay benefits to, as they live bunched up together, voting BNP and trying to get onto Jeremy Kyle - or something like that :) Being a bit extreme there, but we do have people whose grandparents have never worked, so benefits are the norm...

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