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£2000 bounty on illegal immigrants, cash in.

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The reason so many migrants arrived to take jobs such as warehousing is, as I know you know really, that noone else applied... In the UK we have created generations of slackers that we pay benefits to, as they live bunched up together, voting BNP and trying to get onto Jeremy Kyle - or something like that :) Being a bit extreme there, but we do have people whose grandparents have never worked, so benefits are the norm...


this is what i've been trying to say. only real solution is changing attitudes, instilling responsibility, etc

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The reason so many migrants arrived to take jobs such as warehousing is, as I know you know really, that noone else applied... In the UK we have created generations of slackers that we pay benefits to, as they live bunched up together, voting BNP and trying to get onto Jeremy Kyle - or something like that :) Being a bit extreme there, but we do have people whose grandparents have never worked, so benefits are the norm...


Im sure there will be plenty of readers of your post quite angry at your crap!

You must have some really lucky friends who havnt suffered redunacy or threat of it through no fault of their own because labour bled us dry.

The same people who cannot now find work even though they would be prepared to take a role well beneath their capabilities??


Or maybe all your friendes HAVE featured on jeremy..............


On second thoughts i doubt you have any!

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The reason so many migrants arrived to take jobs such as warehousing is, as I know you know really, that noone else applied... In the UK we have created generations of slackers that we pay benefits to, as they live bunched up together, voting BNP and trying to get onto Jeremy Kyle - or something like that :) Being a bit extreme there, but we do have people whose grandparents have never worked, so benefits are the norm...



How come no matter what happens in this country the fault is always thrown at those on benefits.


Are you upset because there are people on benefits or because you have taken on too much debt trying to live beyond your means and because of the credit crunch are now struggling to keep up the payments and need someone else to blame for your mistake/greed?


As to the OPs question, It's pointless reporting them as what would they then do with them, nothing.


Like someone already said they shouldn't have been allowed to get this far in the first place. They have sooo much praise for the "Channel tunnel".

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Im sure there will be plenty of readers of your post quite angry at your crap!

You must have some really lucky friends who havnt suffered redunacy or threat of it through no fault of their own because labour bled us dry.

The same people who cannot now find work even though they would be prepared to take a role well beneath their capabilities??


Or maybe all your friendes HAVE featured on jeremy..............


On second thoughts i doubt you have any!


sorry about your friends. redundancy(actual or threat) is never great. and they deserve all the help they can get. the ones i, for one mean, are benefits cheats that have never worked or on fake incapacity. the ones that could work, but don't so leaving jobs open for others to take. the crunch has changed things, but the problem started long before now.

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How come no matter what happens in this country the fault is always thrown at those on benefits.


Are you upset because there are people on benefits or because you have taken on too much debt trying to live beyond your means and because of the credit crunch are now struggling to keep up the payments and need someone else to blame for your mistake/greed?


As to the OPs question, It's pointless reporting them as what would they then do with them, nothing.


Like someone already said they shouldn't have been allowed to get this far in the first place. They have sooo much praise for the "Channel tunnel".



the problem is not with people on benefits. it's with people who are on benefits but shouldn't be. the cheats.

it's also with the system that makes this possible. with border control that's failing. with politicians out of touch with reality. with a world in which people walk hundreds of miles just to get a better life.

there are many problems. benefits cheats being one of them.

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Bottom line, illegal immigrants are breaking the law and perpetuate illegal markets, they deserve to be punished. This illegal trade in people is costing the country a lot of money. If we need immigrants then there is a legal way for them to get here, and then they won't be illegals and in this category.


Why are people comparing them to benefit fraudsters in some vain attempt to condone crime?

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with border control that's failing

Like someone already said they shouldn't have been allowed to get this far in the first place.



Time to dispel a few myths, methinks. Even if at least in parts.


Customs have been x-ray'ing or thermal-imaging lorries and containers getting on ferries towards the UK for quite a while.

I saw the "lorry X-ray" in Zeebrugge (shown in the pic in the above article) 3 weeks ago with my own eyes, it's right by the passenger ferry, and all lorries and containers were screened/went through it before boarding. The exact same as everytime I went through there in the past 7 years (twice a year on average).

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... In the UK we have created generations of slackers that we pay benefits to, as they live bunched up together, voting BNP and trying to get onto Jeremy Kyle - or something like that :) Being a bit extreme there, but we do have people whose grandparents have never worked, so benefits are the norm...
Spot on except for one detail - the overwhelming majority of the type of people you describe will most certainly be Labour voters.
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Time to dispel a few myths, methinks. Even if at least in parts.


Customs have been x-ray'ing or thermal-imaging lorries and containers getting on ferries towards the UK for quite a while.

I saw the "lorry X-ray" in Zeebrugge (shown in the pic in the above article) 3 weeks ago with my own eyes, it's right by the passenger ferry, and all lorries and containers were screened/went through it before boarding. The exact same as everytime I went through there in the past 7 years (twice a year on average).


not sure which the myth is and what you've dispelled.

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Bottom line, illegal immigrants are breaking the law and perpetuate illegal markets, they deserve to be punished. This illegal trade in people is costing the country a lot of money. If we need immigrants then there is a legal way for them to get here, and then they won't be illegals and in this category.


Why are people comparing them to benefit fraudsters in some vain attempt to condone crime?


the issue is not about people out trying to get in. that seems to be on the decline and should be in control in time.

yes, people are breaking the law, only thing is that the numbers concerned now, and the dynamics at work simply make wholesale punishment(not that it's ever a good idea) impossible.

they are the least of the government's worries to be honest, with all they have on their plate. and, if the policy going now continues there will be less than a tenth of the number of illegal immigrants in a couple of years. no one is getting deported. near enough every other day i get a call from people celebrating coz they got their papers.

the mention of benefit fraudsters came because people are trying to blame job 'shortages' and all society's ills on a few thousand people when there have always been jobs no one took up( before the crunch)

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