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£2000 bounty on illegal immigrants, cash in.

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the issue is not about people out trying to get in. that seems to be on the decline and should be in control in time.

yes, people are breaking the law, only thing is that the numbers concerned now, and the dynamics at work simply make wholesale punishment(not that it's ever a good idea) impossible.

they are the least of the government's worries to be honest, with all they have on their plate. and, if the policy going now continues there will be less than a tenth of the number of illegal immigrants in a couple of years. no one is getting deported. near enough every other day i get a call from people celebrating coz they got their papers.

the mention of benefit fraudsters came because people are trying to blame job 'shortages' and all society's ills on a few thousand people when there have always been jobs no one took up( before the crunch)


Wholesale punishment, oh they should get off absolutely free then! No they should be deported as an example! They can come back if they do it the right way! Their breaking the law and making a mockery of the system they so badly want to be part of... :loopy:


Political correctness and loopholes in the system are getting exploited, like that lad the other week who married and had two kids just so he could stay here. He's on benefits and just got out of prison for killing a child whilst drink driving, even though he was already banned in the first place.


Then there are the ones who work illegally, driving wages down, give the country a bad reputation when they get found out (even though generally they are foreign gangs, maybe with one or two actual Brits involved (scapegoats)).


Immigration and benefit fraudsters are separate issues.



My bold...


So you are saying you know of illegal immigrants who you have not reported? :huh:

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Wholesale punishment, oh they should get off absolutely free then! No they should be deported as an example! They can come back if they do it the right way! Their breaking the law and making a mockery of the system they so badly want to be part of... :loopy:


Political correctness and loopholes in the system are getting exploited, like that lad the other week who married and had two kids just so he could stay here. He's on benefits and just got out of prison for killing a child whilst drink driving, even though he was already banned in the first place.


Then there are the ones who work illegally, driving wages down, give the country a bad reputation when they get found out (even though generally they are foreign gangs, maybe with one or two actual Brits involved (scapegoats)).


Immigration and benefit fraudsters are separate issues.



My bold...


So you are saying you know of illegal immigrants who you have not reported? :huh:

Wholesale punishment, oh they should get off absolutely free then! No they should be deported as an example! They can come back if they do it the right way!

people are deported everyday. people are detained, their cases heard and decisions made. they are not getting off scott free. many people have kids born here and are at school, some people have been here for twenty years etc. would have those sent off? what do you do with their British kids?

anyway, for most that have been here five or so years they're getting the papers every day. that's the only way of solving the problem without costing the economy millions they don't have just because 'they broke the law'.

Political correctness and loopholes in the system are getting exploited, like that lad the other week who married and had two kids just so he could stay here. He's on benefits and just got out of prison for killing a child whilst drink driving, even though he was already banned in the first place.

one or two example from such a large pool just proves that it's not so common. this marriage to stay thing is very rare. besides you have to be married for a time to get papers. it's not like you walk out of the hall British. this guy is an animal. period, just happens to have been an immigrant, not illegal from what i can tell, but this drink driving thing happens across the board.


Then there are the ones who work illegally, driving wages down, give the country a bad reputation when they get found out (even though generally they are foreign gangs, maybe with one or two actual Brits involved (scapegoats)).

how do you drive wages down when there's a minimum wage in place? what bad reputation does the country have. British scapegoats, really? no British people work in illegal employment, human trafficking and other associated trades?


i get that people are angry, at the system and how things are turning out. but blaming and focusing on just one part of a vast array of problems just smacks of fear of taking a good long look at the society as a whole.


Immigration and benefit fraudsters are separate issues.

obviously, hence one is 'immigration' and the other 'benefits fraud'.

that said to bleat about a drain on resources and focus solely on one without mentioning all the others is...

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people are deported everyday. people are detained, their cases heard and decisions made. they are not getting off scott free. many people have kids born here and are at school, some people have been here for twenty years etc. would have those sent off? what do you do with their British kids?

anyway, for most that have been here five or so years they're getting the papers every day. that's the only way of solving the problem without costing the economy millions they don't have just because 'they broke the law'.


one or two example from such a large pool just proves that it's not so common. this marriage to stay thing is very rare. besides you have to be married for a time to get papers. it's not like you walk out of the hall British. this guy is an animal. period, just happens to have been an immigrant, not illegal from what i can tell, but this drink driving thing happens across the board.


how do you drive wages down when there's a minimum wage in place? what bad reputation does the country have. British scapegoats, really? no British people work in illegal employment, human trafficking and other associated trades?


i get that people are angry, at the system and how things are turning out. but blaming and focusing on just one part of a vast array of problems just smacks of fear of taking a good long look at the society as a whole.


obviously, hence one is 'immigration' and the other 'benefits fraud'.

that said to bleat about a drain on resources and focus solely on one without mentioning all the others is...


An amnesty was banded about for illegal immigrants who had been here for a longer period of time. Would you let a rapist off if they got caught five or so years later and now had a family, no! They have committed a crime, then continued perpetrating that crime day in, day out from then on (probably numerous others too to just survive outside detection of the law)! As I said before, their using children, etc, as loopholes! You've just proved the point!


You say it's one or two, there's loads more... There's whole crime gangs, people brought in just to grow cannabis, etc, there are articles in the paper every other day.

(P.S. Yes he had been told he was to be deported!)


Wages: If their illegal they are paying them less, off the books, probably flaunting H&S. Yes British people are gang masters too, still doesn't make it right. But many are foreign run.


It's not about getting angry, it's about the law. Yes all sectors of the system need looking at (they always will), but paring off one thing because of another is just divisive.


Why does benefit fraud need mentioning, what is the direct correlation at the end of the day. Does it justify this ILLEGAL activity, no!



You bragging about how every other day people ring you to say they got their papers just goes to show how bad the problem is! You are breaking the law by not informing on them!


Illegal is ILLEGAL!

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An amnesty was banded about for illegal immigrants who had been here for a longer period of time. Would you let a rapist off if they got caught five or so years later and now had a family, no! They have committed a crime, then continued perpetrating that crime day in, day out from then on (probably numerous others too to just survive outside detection of the law)! As I said before, their using children, etc, as loopholes! You've just proved the point!


You say it's one or two, there's loads more... There's whole crime gangs, people brought in just to grow cannabis, etc, there are articles in the paper every other day.

(P.S. Yes he had been told he was to be deported!)


Wages: If their illegal they are paying them less, off the books, probably flaunting H&S. Yes British people are gang masters too, still doesn't make it right. But many are foreign run.


It's not about getting angry, it's about the law. Yes all sectors of the system need looking at (they always will), but paring off one thing because of another is just divisive.


Why does benefit fraud need mentioning, what is the direct correlation at the end of the day. Does it justify this ILLEGAL activity, no!



You bragging about how every other day people ring you to say they got their papers just goes to show how bad the problem is! You are breaking the law by not informing on them!


Illegal is ILLEGAL!


one-not even gonna comment on the irresponsibility of the rapist comparison.

two-there's no official amnesty but anyone who knows knows people are getting papers in the bucket loads.

three-if they use the kids as a loophole what would you do? break up families or deport British subjects?

four-being paid less coz of working illegally applies to all who work illegally-citizen and otherwise.

five-not bragging, stating facts. and the fact that it's happening means the government knows they can afford the kind of operations needed to find everyone. the court cases and appeals that'd follow before anything about detention, removal and protection. they just can't afford it. best thing is to make them legal, which they're doing, and get them to work right.

six-as for informing on 'them' as far as i know no law compels me to, and even it did i wouldn't.

Illegal is ILLEGAL! redundant thing to say. we all know that EVERYTHING illegal is illegal.

think we've reached an impasse, so, till another day on another thread...

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one-not even gonna comment on the irresponsibility of the rapist comparison.

two-there's no official amnesty but anyone who knows knows people are getting papers in the bucket loads.

three-if they use the kids as a loophole what would you do? break up families or deport British subjects?

four-being paid less coz of working illegally applies to all who work illegally-citizen and otherwise.

five-not bragging, stating facts. and the fact that it's happening means the government knows they can afford the kind of operations needed to find everyone. the court cases and appeals that'd follow before anything about detention, removal and protection. they just can't afford it. best thing is to make them legal, which they're doing, and get them to work right.

six-as for informing on 'them' as far as i know no law compels me to, and even it did i wouldn't.

Illegal is ILLEGAL! redundant thing to say. we all know that EVERYTHING illegal is illegal.

think we've reached an impasse, so, till another day on another thread...



I do agree that the country is broke, but still does it's bit on the world stage. Maybe if the country stopped spending to help other countries, we could get our own in order, but we won't because that's not the problem, we are part of the solution, that's why so many immigrants come here.


Yes, you've proved that you disregard the law and condone everything by parring it off (when it suits you). You even agree with using loopholes, both concerning deportation and illegal activities.


Oh, that day is today, this thread too! :hihi:

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I do agree that the country is broke, but still does it's bit on the world stage. Maybe if the country stopped spending to help other countries, we could get our own in order, but we won't because that's not the problem, we are part of the solution, that's why so many immigrants come here.


Yes, you've proved that you disregard the law and condone everything by parring it off (when it suits you). You even agree with using loopholes, both concerning deportation and illegal activities.


Oh, that day is today, this thread too! :hihi:


Yes, you've proved that you disregard the law and condone everything by parring it off (when it suits you). You even agree with using loopholes, both concerning deportation and illegal activities.

you bet i do. everyone uses loopholes whenever they can. there whole departments in law firm just for that. and, yes, everyone uses loophole when it suits them, otherwise what's the point? i might carry just enough weed on me as to not get done for intend to supply etc. that's life.

as it comes to the immigration thing. i probably have two British people i call friends. the rest are foreign immigrants. so the questions of law and whatnot are not just threads, newspaper articles, statistics. i see it everyday, so my view is bound to be different to yours. and my view on the laws governing them are bound to be different. what is just to you might be unjust to me. and what laws we keep or break, as we all know, depends on which we feel are just and which we feel aren't.

ps-i broke no law, like i said, none compels me to sell anyone out.

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Yes, you've proved that you disregard the law and condone everything by parring it off (when it suits you). You even agree with using loopholes, both concerning deportation and illegal activities.

you bet i do. everyone uses loopholes whenever they can. there whole departments in law firm just for that. and, yes, everyone uses loophole when it suits them, otherwise what's the point? i might carry just enough weed on me as to not get done for intend to supply etc. that's life.

as it comes to the immigration thing. i probably have two British people i call friends. the rest are foreign immigrants. so the questions of law and whatnot are not just threads, newspaper articles, statistics. i see it everyday, so my view is bound to be different to yours. and my view on the laws governing them are bound to be different. what is just to you might be unjust to me. and what laws we keep or break, as we all know, depends on which we feel are just and which we feel aren't.

ps-i broke no law, like i said, none compels me to sell anyone out.


So a serious debate with you is pointless. :loopy:

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not sure which the myth is and what you've dispelled.
The myth is that the country is still sufferring from rampant, unchecked, uncontrolled, mass illegal immigration. It's not, hasn't been for many years.


The "system" isn't ideal or perfect, granted, but measures have been taken and have been performed for years now, reducing the problem of illegal entry to the bare minimum (which places like even the US and Australia still suffer from, and which cannot ever be completely prevented).


The remaining problem to solve is with illegals already in-country, but in the absence of ID cards (or the like) and in view of decentralised policing services, that's unlikely to be sorted anytime soon.

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