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£2000 bounty on illegal immigrants, cash in.

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if bounty hunters were only paid by successful results then the system would work. all it needs is the will to do it. without doubt this should be done. it would create many thousands of jobs, both in catching them and in there detention. the jobs the illegals have could then be taken by legal people. people who pay tax. as it stands at the moment all bounty hunters would have todo is follow trucks from dover, or go to the most popular truckstops after dover. others would be harder to find, but not impossible.


naive to think this. this would create the kind of thing that happens with dept collectors. this leaves the system open to abuse. the government, as the ultimate employer, even if the bounty hunters might be self employed, would pay millions in compensation and legal fees. a whole new industry of could arise with people claiming all sort of ill treatment. thousands of jobs to catch, at the very most 600000 people? even the police don't have this ratio.

as for trucks and Dover, border control already does that. could just give them more resources and solve that.

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Benifit should only be pay upto the amount you paid in, this way either people work or they can beg



Illegal immigrants don't get benefits. What do you think happens down the DSS?




"Ah, can't give you that, I'm here illegally!"


"Right-o, here's your cheque!"

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Something similar I think....


I think bailiffs are a good example of how it shouldn't work. Their whole job is based around exploiting the laws/rules surrounding debt/reclamation of goods and intimidation.


Dog the bounty hunter is a better example!

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On radio 4 this AM news it was reported that the border agency have 'lost' 60,000 illegal immigrants so happy hunting.


PS do you think the asian/africans/ immigrants will let you near an illegal? they will all have a differant i.d now

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There is only one downside to this idea.


1) presumably it would be the less educated/wasters "send em awl bak gavner" members of our society that would do the cashing in......


2) the imigrants go back home


3) The chavs - now have to do the work that the migrants did.


Its a non starter

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I'd love it. Just throw in a bounty for untaxed cars and I'd be able to pack up work and rake it in! Easier to spot an untaxed car though, than an illegal immigrant.


If the government were serious about benefit scroungers and illegal immigrants it'd be easy enough to start the ball rolling. Plenty of building sites, taxis and restaurants staffed by people who aren't paying tax and NI, some of whom are in the country illegally. However, staff shortages at HMRC mean that quite often even tipoffs don't get acted on, I understand.

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