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Smoking weed on the dole

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some do get good homes, yes. but imagine if the take-the-kids-off-weed smokers etc thing is done. we'd have 100 times more kids flooding the system was my point. we'd have a lot less success than we do now.


I see your point... but what else can happen? we just sit back and carry on letting them get away with it? Its time to give them a harsh threat/ reality check. The reason this country is full of so many wasters is because it has been soft on them for so long. You get out what you put it.

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Precisely. People rant about how bad care homes are- but what is the other option- living in a home with drugs knocking about being ''looked after'' by your stoned parents?? come on people wake up!!!

I was in them between the ages of 8-16, and the stories I could tell :suspect:

Have you ever been in one ?

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I don't think smoking cannabis makes you a bad parent. Not if you are doing it out of the way of your children, like when they are asleep. I think smoking anything while pregnant is wrong and isn't fair on the child. I don't smoke at all whether legar or illegal. But I have friends that do smoke cannabis, but are discreet about it. A friend of mine's parent's smoke cannabis and she has just finished University and got a degree. I don't think that just because a person's parent's smoke weed it make's the child likely to turn out a thug, or end up in care homes or prison etc. Yes if their parent's were spending all their money on it, not feeding their kids and generally not giving a toss then yes, but I believe that there is more of a problem with people needing an alcoholic drink than smoking. I think it's more of a problem these people that spend most of their money on alcohol and would rather get drunk than look after their kids

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You would be surprised how much money they get. I earn 24.5k a year and know someone with 3 kids on benefits who gets same as I do after tax, including rent and council tax payment which the working of us have to pay. This means that whatever potential spare income I have, they have the potential to have. It wouldn't be hard to have the money to smoke it.


Not sure how true it is but I was told social services aren't too strict when it comes to smoking weed, as there's much worse things. What I mean is if it's seen as recreational, it's not frowned upon as much as someone who needs a joint to get out of bed in a morning.




See this annoys me, how do people get anywhere near this much? There may be a few people that get massive amounts of money, but not everyone does. I get benefits and it drives me insane people thinking I must be loaded or something. I don't want benefits, I have a degree, I am also a single mum with one still quite young child. I apply for jobs and never ever get even an interview, jobs are slightly limited as it would have to be over 16hr and daytime hours, but I still apply for a wide range. After water and insurances, gas, electric, I have nothing or very near to nothing and I would think I was quite good with my money.



How are people getting so much, what am I missing?

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I see your point... but what else can happen? we just sit back and carry on letting them get away with it? Its time to give them a harsh threat/ reality check. The reason this country is full of so many wasters is because it has been soft on them for so long. You get out what you put it.


knee jerk reactions are never best. you stop benefits, take kids off parent etc. in the short term you get an increase in crime as people have no place to turn to. in the long term you get a whole generation of 'care-babies'.


how 'not soft' should the country be?

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I don't think smoking cannabis makes you a bad parent. Not if you are doing it out of the way of your children, like when they are asleep. I think smoking anything while pregnant is wrong and isn't fair on the child. I don't smoke at all whether legar or illegal. But I have friends that do smoke cannabis, but are discreet about it. A friend of mine's parent's smoke cannabis and she has just finished University and got a degree. I don't think that just because a person's parent's smoke weed it make's the child likely to turn out a thug, or end up in care homes or prison etc. Yes if their parent's were spending all their money on it, not feeding their kids and generally not giving a toss then yes, but I believe that there is more of a problem with people needing an alcoholic drink than smoking. I think it's more of a problem these people that spend most of their money on alcohol and would rather get drunk than look after their kids


sorry I should have elaborated on above post. If you smoke when your kids are in the house/ pregnant, you are a bad parent. Cannabis alters your state of mind afterall.

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